PT.34 Spilled Secrets

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I grab beer and I start to walk over to the couches where everyone is but as I walk over there I see angel pacing back and fourth and ranting to everyone. I'm not really able to hear it so I walk over and I start to sit down but angel turns and looks at me. He grabs my shoulders "You gave your fucking soul to Val so I can be free?!" I freeze and I look up at angel nervously "uhm..." I look away nervously and in guilt and I feel angels grip tighten on my shoulders and I look up at him and his head is down and I see tears forming in his eyes. My heart drops and I feel guilt through all out my body... I pull angel in a tight hug "angel, angel, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I just w-wanted to help you get away from that asshole." I pull away from the hug and I lift his head up so he looks at me and I look up at him with a soft smile "And I'll be fine.. You saw my file that the two assholes gave you guys I've been through a lot of shit and to me Valentino's type-a stuff is nothing." Angel look at me and he softly smiles and shakes his head and soft tears trail down his face"your a fucking dumbass" I laugh and I roll my eyes but then I hear him. Husk. "Anyways talking about your file Y/N." I turn and I see him in the bar reading my file with furrowed eyebrows "I kinda wanna talk to you about something." I look up at angel nervously and he just puts his hands up in a [bitch don't look at me I can't help you-] type of way. I look back at husk and he just leans on the bar and he narrows his eyes. I sigh and I just get up and walk to husk. I go up to the bar and I'm about to sit down but he opens the storage room for the bar and he waves me in and I walk in and I turn and I look at him nervously and he shuts the door behind him. "So uhm... I read through your file a little bit... It uhm- it told me a lot about you from when your alive, till now..." I fidget nervously and my ears go down "i- I'm sorry... I'm disgusting..." I look slightly down and he grunts and he lifts my head up "look. Your not disgusting. Your beautiful. Your the strongest person I've met especially since all of the shit you've been through. And I'm always here to talk and I know about your... Scars. Your pretty insecure about them and I'm sorry sorry you had to go through the process of them being made but I'm never going to be disgusted or hate you for that. You can be comfortable showing your scars and telling me your problems." I look at husk and tears form in my eyes and I hug him "f-fucking hell husk- ugh... Alright... Thank you..." He chuckles and he pets my head. "No problem darlin. Now we should probably get out of here before they think we do ya know" I nod and I wipe my face and he continues "again." I glare at him and I push him playfully "shut up asshole." He laughs and we walk out of the storage and I swipe a beer as I leave the bar. "Sooo toots, what did you guys talk about hm?~ did y'all do a quicky?~" I softly growl and I sit next to angel "shut up angel." Angel shrugs and I see Charlie and Lucifer talking nervously with a note in their hands. They walk over and Charlie runs and hugs vaggie and vaggie comforts her "babe what's wrong? What happened?" Lucifer stands next to alastor "uhm.. so.. Y/Ns dad and the vees sent a warning note about Y/N. Mostly about how apparently they will see us soon and that they want Y/N but- ugh..." He rubs his head in frustration "they got angelic weapons somehow and shit so.. we will have to prepare and watch out." I hear a hit more static come out of alastors voice "those assholes just don't understand hm?" I sigh and I look away "look I'm sorry for bringing all of this extra bullshit to you guys in the first place. I could've just delt with it myself and left you guys alone-" I feel angel grab my shoulders and he points his popsicle at my face "if you fucking apologize I'm gonna shove this popsicle down your throat than beat your ass." I look up at his and silence occurs for a couple seconds until be and angel just laughs and I roll my eyes "alright whatever fuck you too then." I yawn and I rub my eyes "well I'ma go to bed. This was enough crap for today..."

New Life In Hell (HUSK X READER STORY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora