PT.27 Hungover Mood, But At Work...

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I wake up on the couch from the TV playing and I look around and I see everyone watching TV or talking. I look for my vodka bottle but it's gone... I look over at husk and he is chugging it. "Husk what the fuck give me my vodka back!" I stand up and I feel my head pounding and I walk over to husk but he finishes it. "Thanks for the vodka." He gives me the empty bottle and I softly growl and I drop the bottle on him and he catches it "You better fucking pay me back or some shit because I'm not just gonna buy fucking drinks because your a fucking worse alcoholic than me. Get your own shit." I growl and he rolls his eyes. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I sigh in annoyance and I pull it out and is Valentino... "Shit..." I mumble and I answer the call and I walk to the bar away from everyone and I sit. "Hey Y/N darling...~ I need you to come to work again today we have a couple rich clients that would really enjoy a show~ the limo is waiting outside for you~" I scoff "sorry val not tonight you can go ahead and tell the limo to go back because i-" I get cut off and his hot pink chain comes through the phone and wraps around my neck and pulls me closer to the phone "listen here you slut remember i own you. Get out in the limo now. Hurry." He ends the call and the chain disappears and I gulp... I fucked up... "Mother fucker..." I mumble and I quickly put my phone into my pocket and instead of taking the elevator I run up the stairs since the elevator will take to long. I run into my room and I grab my wallet, phone, extra clothes, hair ties, and a water bottle. My head pounds as I try to hurry and I quickly run downstairs and put the door without telling anyone where I'm going and what time I'll be back. I get into the limo and I sit down and we zoom off to Valentinos porn studio... i get out of the limo and I go into the studio and I see val sitting with two other girls and I walk up to him "hello Y/N I'm glad you could make it~ go to the VIP room again and make me some money now will you doll?~" I sigh in annoyance and I nod. I walk to the changing room and my other fellow strippers get me into an outfit again and I go on stage. I look at the clients and it's the man from the bar and his friends... I gulp and I get into the pole. He smirks and leans back. I start to dance smoothly and seductively. I walk down the stage to the man and I get on his lap and I start to give him a lap dance and I move to his friends and I brush my tail against their faces and I rub against their groin sometimes as I pass by. I feel them start to put money in my out fit, in my bra, underwear. Its descusting... I act normal and I continue to do my job and I end the dance but then val walks in with a smile "Good job doll-" the man cuts Valentino off and throws him a big stack of money. "I'm gonna take this bitch into the sex room for a second." The man grabs my wrist and his friends follow behind him as they take me into the room and they throw me on the ground and I hit my head "mother fuck! Ow-" they lock the door and the man slaps me and starts to rip off my clothes "here you go you slut this is what you deserve for rejecting me at that bar. I've been waiting to fuck you...~" tears come out from my eyes as I try to push him away and his friends put a blindfold on me and a gag and restraints. "MMMPH! MMMM!!!" I cry and they start to rape me... All of them... After a while I lay on the bed and they take all of the sex things off me and they leave "Now you stay in your place you bitch, I'll definitely be coming here again~" I lay in the bed and I cry. I go to the bathroom and I feel disgusting. I shower and I walk out and val is there "Hey sexy~ you got us a shit ton of money!~ thanks~" he gives me half of the stack and I put it in my backpack and I look at val "your an asshole you know that right val...?" Val chuckles "Hm?~ what was that I didn't hear you~" I sigh in annoyance and anger and I look away "Your an asshole. You only care about yourself or making people your fucking play toy to push around and fuck just because you can't find a stable relationship for yourself." I turn around and I look at val but he is standing right in front of me with a pissed off look. "Wait val i-" he backhand/punches my face and I fall back and I feel a black eye forming and I look up at val. "Val I'm sorr-" he picks me up by my throat and he throws me against the wall and I fall and I grunt and cough. He grabs my arm and makes me stand and he slaps me then tosses me to the floor again. "Look Y/N... I don't think you FUCKING understand..." He makes his hot pink chain wrap around me neck and he lifts me up with it and he shows me the contract again. "I own you... And whenever I tell you to come to work you say?" I gulp and tears fall from my eyes "yes Valentino..." "If I tell you to go a client and let them do whatever they want with you, you say?" "Y-yes Valentino..." He chuckles and smiles "good girl~" he tosses me to the side with the chain and I hit my head again and he starts to walk out but he stops "also remember, no one will love you with all of those scars, hip dips, your fucking additude, your alcohol problem, and definitely with your backstory... Your dad and those men are good for doing that shit to you. You deserved it..." I look at val "h-how the hell do y-you know that?!" He chuckles and sighs "oh darling~ once you sign the contract it gives me all of your background! I know everything about you now.  Well everything that's happened to you before you signed the contract! Your lucky you changed the contract so I can't bother your little friends and tell them on this shit. Or they would've definitely left you by know~" he leaves and tears fall from my eyes and I tuck me knees to my chest and I bury my head in my arms and I cry... And cry...

New Life In Hell (HUSK X READER STORY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें