Billdip- His Bodyguard

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Dipper is the son of two billionaires, so he's only a little rich.

Dipper's POV:

My mom grabbed me by the wrist, dragging me to the dining room. I didn't understand why I had to have a bodyguard. Imagine how embarrassing it would be to show up to school with some random person that would have to follow me everywhere. And to think this was caused by a couple school tussles. "Mom, you know I can defend myself!" I groaned, rolling my eyes. She sighed and sat me on one of the chairs. A couple of cooks entered the room, making the room fill with the scent of freshly baked potatoes and ham. My mom placed her hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead softly. "Just try to get along with him, okay? Your father and I really like him and he's only two years older than you." She smiled and pointed to the man sitting across from me. He had silky blonde hair, and was quite muscular. He wore a suit that hugged his curves and muscles perfectly. He grimaced down at me, gently stabbing his fork into the ham. "Dipper, is it? I've heard lots about you." Bill adjusted his sunglasses. I didn't want to talk to him. I wanted to go back to my room, away from him. He just seemed like bad news. But, I couldn't resist him. "I looked away, nodding. Bill chuckled, nibbling on a potato. "I heard you're struggling in Biochemistry! I'm actually taking that class in college right now. Maybe I can help later today." 

I knew he didn't actually want to study with me. And I really wanted to say no, tell him to just leave me alone, but something deep down keeps telling me I like it. That I want him with me. That I need him with me. "I-I would like that..." I stutter out, blushing. Why am I like this? Bill stood up and took my hand in his. "Well, I suppose it's now or never then, huh? Now come on. I'll help you with your homework." Bill smiled evilly. I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing tonight was going to be a long, but pleasant night.

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