Killdip- Only mine

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Tyrone's POV:

It was another boring day at school. While I walked through the halls, people scurried to their classes, were catching up with friends and even making out with other people. I sighed and continued to walk, only to bump into somebody. My books hit the ground with a loud thud and scattered across the hard-tile floor. I looked up only to see Kill Cipher. In case you didn't know, Kill has had a serious stalking problem on me since, well, the 5th grade. At first it wasn't a huge deal, but over time, it got worse. He used to ask to walk me home, follow me into bathrooms and certain places, and even grab me from behind when I was walking. I told him to stop a little while back, and it died down, just never fully stopped. "Hehe...sorry Tyrone~" Kill interrupted my thoughts. Kill leaned down to get my stuff, but I stopped him half way. "It's fine...just...please leave me alone..." I whispered, picking up the rest of my books. But Kill didn't leave. Instead he just started looking me up and down with his smirk growing. I stared into his ruby red eyes, his eyes finally making their way to my face. I didn't want to admit it, but I was scared. Not of Kill, but what he could do to me. He was twice my size, and way stronger than me. So he could easily get his way with me.

I looked away, trying to regain some of my confidence. "Leave." I say, trying not to sound frightened. Kill sighs and nods. "Very well..." He mumbled, still smirking. "I will see you later~" Kill started to walk off, heading to his class as the bell rang. He made sure to emphasize on the 'will' part, which caused me to shiver. 

The rest of the day Kill was giving me weird looks. At lunch he stared at me, and in two of my classes he whispered in my ear, "Make sure you're prepared~" Which really freaked me out. Soon enough, the bell rang, which meant it was time to go home. I gathered my stuff and ran out the door, hoping that Kill wouldn't see me. But of course, he did. Kill grabbed my arm and dragged me to a dark alleyway. "W-What do you want f-from me...?" His red eyes started glowing as I said that. He gently wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into my shoulder. His cold breath caressed my shoulder as his grip tightened and he pressed his lips against my ear. "You WILL come with me. And you WILL obey me, Tyrone Pines." I sniffled softly and nodded. I wanted to scream and cry, and call out for help. But if I did, he would make sure to hurt me. That I would learn my lesson. 

Kill led me to his truck, that had fully tinted windows, so nobody could see inside. He pushed me into the back seat, then fastened the seat belt so I couldn't escape. Kill kissed my cheek softly and held up a handkerchief covered in some sort of green liquid. It almost looked like...poison. "Y-You don't have to do this..." I muttered. His eyes softened as he took pity on me. I wanted to go home so badly, and to hug my mom and sister. But I couldn't. I was stuck with Kill...forever. Kill gently placed the handkerchief on my mouth, making sure to rub it on my lips so I would inhale the nasty chemicals. "This won't hurt you, sweetie. You'll wake up soon. I promise." 

Once he had said that, my ears started to buzz. The whole world shut out, and the only thing I could see was Kill. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was, "I'll keep you safe."

What had to be at least 3 hours later, I woke up. I was sitting in a cold, dark room with my ankles and arms tied behind my back. I had been gagged, so I couldn't say anything. For the first time today, I started to tear up. I started to cry. All hope for me was lost and I was now his. I was that monster's pet. His toy to play and do whatever with, and I was completely at his will. 

Soon, Kill walked in, his red eyes glowing and his sharp teeth shining in the little light I had in the room. He gently rubbed the bottom of my chin. "Oh, finally..." He started, his eyes piercing into my soul.  "After all of these years, Tyrone. You are mine." Kill giggled gently pulling me into his lap. Kill snapped, red fire dancing across his fingers and fully lighting up the room. He gently took the gag off and kissed my lips, biting and making them bleed. His tongue ran across them, licking the blood and savoring the taste. 

"You are only mine."

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