Post-Credit Scene (22)

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*Warning- Potentially triggering dialogue and emotional abuse

Marinette POV:

I was kinda nervous about tonight.

That's an understatement. I was HELLA nervous about tonight.

I mean, yeah, I'm surrounded by my favorite people in the world, so as long as we didn't pick a horror movie, I would be fine. But what made me nervous is that I brought Luka. Everyone knows him, and they've hung out with him before, but that was a year ago. As much as I wanted to pretend that everything would be the same as it was, I just couldn't. Especially given how I behaved when he got back. I can't ignore that I've changed and so have my friends. Luka has too. He's still so sweet, but...there are some things about him that are new.

What worried me most though? Him meeting the guy I almost asked out while he was gone.

Adrien and I are good again–finally–and it's been so great talking every day again, but this is the first time we're hanging out outside of school since the fight. Since I got back together with Luka. I might be happy with him, but that doesn't change the fact I was falling for Adrien right before he shut me out of his life. Whatever his reason was for it, he made it clear that he doesn't see me that way. So it's gonna be so awkward being around him and Luka at the same time, for me at least.

They've already met though at Mr. Agreste's party, but it definitely didn't feel comfortable. Odds are it was because of the whole event, it was definitely out of my comfort zone, but Adrien definitely seemed tense when Luka and I were with him. He was acting weird that whole night too.

Like in the garden. God, the garden. My heart broke seeing Adrien like that, then it shattered when I heard him say what he thinks of himself. I can't believe the kind of pressure Adrien is under. I know the life of a model can be hard, especially when he's so considerate about everyone's feelings, but it sounds like he spends all of his time worrying about others and no one worries about him. Not even his own father apparently.

That news he sprung definitely shocked me as well. I was about to scream something along the lines of "Marry her? But he doesn't even like her!" probably with a lot more swearing. Until I saw Adrien's expression. He didn't look happy, not even faking it. He was shocked, then hurt. Like he'd been betrayed.

At that moment when he ran off, all I thought about was helping him. I didn't care if we were on speaking terms or not. Nothing else mattered. I just knew that I had to go and comfort him.

Good thing I did, because who knows what would've happened if I didn't.

But now, I have to find a way to keep reminding him that he matters to me without neglecting Luka. That's doubly hard since my feelings haven't magically disappeared like I hoped they would. Despite being with Luka who does love me. Despite knowing it's pointless to love Adrien since there's no way he'll ever love me back.

Only Luka does. Only Luka would ever.

I have to be loyal to him.

So tonight, I'm gonna enjoy the night with my friends, keep everything good with Adrien, and be the best girlfriend I can be to the best boyfriend I could ask for. Sounds easy, right?

I sigh as we enter the theater and meekly whisper under my breath, "I really hope so."

"What was that?" Luka quietly asks as he follows behind me, the rest of our friends filing in with him. Cursing myself for whispering too loudly, I keep walking like I can't hear him.

The whole group takes up two entire rows in the middle of the packed theater. All of us filing in together with our snacks and Kim loudly complaining at Alix teasing him with spoilers. Fortunately, Max shushes him before the rest of the audience can complain.

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