Bonus Chapter: Two Birds

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Wanted to give the readers a bit of context for future chapters, so I decided to post a this bonus chapter. Want to see what Lila said to Kagami at the party?

Lila pulls Kagami away from Marinette, looking for some privacy. With a wide smile, Lila looks at Kagami, "So Kagami, I assume you're the daughter of Madame Tsurugi. Adrien's childhood friend right?"

"Correct, but I was also Adrien's girlfriend," Kagami replies simply. Eyeing Lila up and down competitively.

"Oh right! Now I remember," Lila leads her off to the edge of the party, "Adrien simply adored you. I remember meeting him at the Middleton party when we were 14. He talked for hours about how much he loved you."

Kagami's eyes perk up with interest, "Really?"

"He was head over heels for you," Lila's oily words give Kagami comfort. Telling her exactly what she wants her to hear, "It felt like he met his soulmate. Why did you two ever break up anyway?"

Kagami's lips purse at Lila's question of a still sore subject, "We both became busy with our responsibilities. I had to travel with my mother and Adrien was busy at home. It felt unwise to continue without being able to see each other for so long."

"That's so sad. You two deserve better," Lila pouts, "I bet you'd make him really happy. Unlike some people."

Kagami isn't quite sure what she means, so Lila nods towards the party, directing the Japanese girl's attention to Marinette, standing there alone.

"You asked me why Adrien was so upset," Lila leans in, "It's because of her. She hurt him."


"From what I've heard, it's because Adrien had a little crush on her. She found out so she decided to embarrass him. She got back together with her ex and told Adrien that he's worthless compared to Luka."

Kagami's scowl deepens. Her fists clench so tightly that her fingernails begin to cut into her palm.

"Honestly, I think Adrien dodged a bullet," Lila remarks, silently enjoying the reaction Kagami is displaying, "Everyone at school knows what a little slut she is. How she loves to play with boys to make them squirm and praise her. All Adrien would've been is another name on her list."

"She...that..." Kagami mutters, too fuming to think of a proper sentence. How dare she hurt the boy she loves!

Lila, sensing she's getting the right reaction, sets her hand on either side of Kagami, "Hey, don't worry. Adrien won't be hurt by that girl. I know you won't let her. I can tell you truly care for him."

"I do," Kagami quietly agrees.

"And I'll help you!" Lila sets her hand on her chest, "You would be so much better for Adrien. I mean, you two already have so much in common. You both fence, excel at everything, have so many responsibilities. Of course you two would be perfect together!"

It's true, Kagami thinks, Adrien and I are made for each other. My mother even said so herself. No other boy can be my equal. Especially not a nobody like Marinette Dupain-Cheng, her fist reclenches as she remembers Lila's words, Not nobody. A lying harlot! A bitch who'd probably steal all she can from Adrien then leaving him shattered and in pieces.

Kagami refuses to let that happen. She won't let Marinette hurt Adrien again. No matter what. And she'll be there for Adrien. To help him heal and move on. To love him like he deserves.

However, Kagami wonders something. She looks at Lila, "Why are you helping me? Didn't you say you wanted to be with Adrien?"

Lila pouts a little, already weaving out exactly what she needs to say, "Oh, what girl doesn't? But I want Adrien to be happy more than anything. Clearly, you would be a better match for him."

Lila leans in a bit, "Although, I should warn you. My mother made a deal with Mr. Agreste to have me be in a public relationship with Adrien. To help with sales and company publicity," seeing Kagami's shocked reaction, Lila quickly recovers, "Nothing romantic involved of course. It's a marketing stunt, you know how this works. But I think if Mr. Agreste sees how happy you make his son, then he'll definitely support your relationship. After all, you make him happier than any wannabe fangirl or airhead model could, right?"

Kagami, a little uneasy over the idea of the love of her life fake dating this girl claiming to be her friend, nods slowly, "I suppose you are right."

"Don't worry, Kagami. I would never hurt a friend," Lila gives Kagami a surprising hug, "And that's what I want us to be. Best friends."

Appreciative over this girl's kindness and unaware of Lila's true intentions, she hugs back with a smile. Believing she has a true friend now, and soon the boy she loves once more.

Lila however, just hugs tighter and smiles smugly to herself, thinking of how this chess play she concocted is playing out exactly to her favor.


Do you see what Lila's plan truly is now? I hope not because I want there to be some surprises left. This is the kind of villain I love. The brilliant chess master who is five moves ahead of the oblivious protagonists.

Hope you all enjoyed the mini chapter and are excited for chapter 21 as well! We're building up to two of my favorite scenes I have written up and I hope you love them as much as I do.

Thank you for reading and staying along with this journey. Get ready to see not only the reconciliation of Marinette and Adrien's friendship, but also the reveal of secrets none of the characters or you my dear readers were expecting.

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