Red Velvet (6)

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Adrien POV:

I don't even think I have time to sleep now, I think as I look at the new schedule Nathalie put together for me. I see Plagg's little black cat avatar sweeping into the monitor.

"Boy, your dad sure likes to keep you busy," Plagg looks over the schedule, "Don't you already know French, Spanish, and Cantonese?"

"Yeah," I say. I learned them a few summers ago since my father takes me on his business trips and I was tired of not being able to understand what was going on in meetings, "I think he just likes having it on my calendar. Or he just doesn't know."

"Ooo! He blocked off time to have breakfast with you! Maybe you can tell him then."

I peer at the screen, "In two weeks. For fifteen minutes. It even says: 'Pending on choice of bread'."

"Well bagels and loaf bread do have different cook times," Plagg comments, "At least I will always have breakfast with you."

"You can't eat," I scroll through the schedule.

"I could if I had a drone that consumes nutrients, but someone is too lazy to do that for me," Plagg hovers over the blocked off sections, "I see he added fencing and karate as well. I thought you were going to join the school clubs for them."

"Me too. He probably thinks the school clubs will be subpar for his perfect son," I sigh because I thought for a moment I could actually make friends in those clubs, "He barely wanted me going to school to begin with. He definitely won't let me be there any longer than I have to. I won't even have time to spend with any friends I do make."

"You know with a little editing, I'm sure we can make this much more efficient," Plagg points to the morning section, "Like you could include homework and study time to your morning run. The endorphin and dopamine rush from the exercise along with the increased oxygen consumption could help improve focus and make it even easier."

"True, but it doesn't matter. Father always knows best."

Even if it makes me miserable.

Marinette POV:

Well, I have successfully proved everybody wrong. Alya said I would be so smitten with Adrien after the job fair that I would throw all my plans out the window, but I have not. I have spent the whole first half of the day NOT obsessing over him. Instead, I focused on my school work and squashed any attempt my mind made at bringing him up.

I think that's a win. A little bit driven out of spite, but a win.

I had my Intro to Design Sketching class today, as well as Modeling & Advertising. Both are great, but I feel like I'm ahead of the curve since I've been learning them on my own since I was six. Plus I got to meet with Max and he's going to introduce me to the chess club. There aren't many members (Max, Nino, and Juleka are the only people I know in there), but they'll probably let me join without too much hassle. We're also gonna start tutoring next month when the coursework starts to pick up. After that, I met with Nathaniel and Marc and we're gonna start prepping for the Halloween dance next week (Anyone who argues that August is too soon to start prepping is uninvited #spookyseason4life).

I'm actually proud of how much I got done this morning. It left me with enough confidence that I don't have to rush through lunch. I can actually sit and enjoy it with my friends.

I grab my tray and walk through the cafeteria until I spot Nino and Alya. They're playing a game together on his tablet, looking so cute it makes me happy for them. Still the best couple I know.

I start to walk over to them when I see a familiar green hood pulled up by the window. It's Adrien, sitting by himself, with a notebook laid out in front of him. His head is hanging low and his pencil looks like he's absent-mindedly doodling in it. Everything about him screams loneliness and sadness.

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