Second Chances (3)

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Marinette POV:

All I can think while standing in the doorway of chemistry class, absolutely covered in green goo, is: I hate first days.

Adrien walks up to me with panic stricken across his face, "I-I am so sorry! I was trying to help Tikki fix her chemistry project and I misread the formula, and I am—just so sorry!"

My breath feels very shallow as I look down to see the goo completely covering my outfit. An outfit I designed and spent hours working on. Something I was so excited to show off is now completely ruined!

I can't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. All I hear is Alya asking if I'm okay. I cover my mouth and just bolt down the hall before anyone could see me cry.

I keep my head down, but I see a pair of white pants on my left while I keep running. Followed up with a nasally laugh and her saying, "Love the new look, Dupain-Cheng! Now you look even more gross than normal!"

I find the bathroom at the end of the hall and push my way through the door. I close it quickly and lean against it. Finally, I let the tears burst. I let them fall down my cheek as I sob and fall deeper to the floor.

I hate first days! I think, Every year, everything always goes wrong and it never gets any better! Why can't I just have a good life without feeling like a failure or a loser every day? Why can't I just be happy for

Because that's what life is like for me. Everything I try, I fail at. I never get what I want, no matter how much I work. Even when I don't do anything, life finds a way to kick my heels out from under me. It's no wonder everyone I try to love leaves me, like Luka did.

I hear a knock and a faint voice call, "Marinette? It's me."

I know it's Alya, but I don't want her to see me like this so I don't respond. Then she says, "I got hit with the goo too, so can you please open the door and help me clean it off?"

I wipe my tears as best as I can and open the door slightly. Alya comes in with her favorite orange shirt now covered in green, also with her glasses off since they got splattered too.

"Adrien wanted me to tell you he's sorry again and he's going with Nino to get us some clothes from lost and found," Alya says softly.

"What the hell did he do?" I ask, still trying to stop myself from weeping.

"I'm not sure, but Tikki says it was an accident and it's partly her fault too," Alya grabs some paper towels and runs them under water.

"I can't believe he did this!" I whip my arms to see some foam land on the floor, "I thought he was nice!"

"I'm sure he is, girl," Alya wipes her glasses as best as she can but the goo still smudges her glasses, "He wouldn't destroy a classroom on his first day on purpose."

I scoff as I take off my sweater, "Oh, really? That's exactly something Chloe would do, and he's friends with her!"

"Tikki also said it was an accident, girl," Alya says.

"Maybe he did something to...whatever this is, to be funny!" I grip the sink trying to calm down, "Maybe you're right and he's just another spoiled rich brat who hurts people for fun!"

"Mari, the only reason we said that stuff was so you can hear how ridiculous that sounds. I'm sure he's a good guy. Nino trusts him."

"At least Nino didn't get hit with green goo," I grumble, trying to not look in the mirror because I know I'm ugly and I don't want to see it or I'll start crying again.

There's another knock and this time Alya answers it. She takes a bundle of clothes from the other side, "Thanks, Nino. Where's Adrien?"

"He was with me, but then he decided to go to Principal Damocles office," I can hear Nino through the door, "He's taking responsibility for the accident before Tikki gets there."

Chemistry & Timing: A Miraculous MomentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora