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A world so simple that people would never think something like this to ever happen. Of course they all atleast had knowledge about it thanks to movies, comics, games and other stuff, providing enough information on how an apocalypse or if aliens ever invaded our earth would be like. We can say that most people like the thrill of being in an apocalypse, well it wouldn't be cool or thrilling to see your family die infront of you.

What if the scenario you always imagined when you were in maths class became true? There are so many people who think they would survive because they have already prepared themselves enough but have they?

From making her daily morning coffee, y/n was now sitting on the cold floor with terror as she watched a doppelganger stepping towards her to devour her. She waited for death to come wondering what did she did to deserve a death like

You woke up with not enough sleep. Walking tiredly towards the bathroom to wash your face. As soon as the cold water touched your face, rubbing your eyes you had woken up enough to atleast make coffee. You slowly went into the kitchen and started to make it. As you sat down in silence your mind couldn't help but flow with thoughts. You were an university student you had enough stress to deal with, you didn't wanted to deal with another problem like how your mom and dad wanted you to come home because of how they were worried about their daughter. 'I thought 'second child attention' wouldn't hurt but here we are'

With the sudden sound of doorbell your thoughts finally went out of your mind. You slowly went towards the door, you peek slightly from the door hole to see who it was. It was the milkman, the guy with tired eyes and rough voice. Even though he had a kid and was 25 years old, 6 years older than you. You still had a you can say a small attraction towards him, Internet really helped you in your choice of men.

You quickly fixed your hair and applied the tinted lip balm that was thankfully on the table. You finally opened the door, a sudden but a small faint smile appeared on your face. Even after your friendly gesture he kept his boring tired face. You felt a little awkward but then brushed it off. He gave you the milk bottle , you awkwardly took it from his hand keeping a good distance between your hands so they don't touch.

As he was about to walk away A sudden growl sound emerged and heavy foot steps could be heard. You lifted your head slowly with wide eyes and thought no no no! This isn't happening! Both the milkman and you knew what was coming your way. You both looked to your right and saw the doppelganger of the milkman coming towards your way looking like a predator about to devour it's prey. Quickly the real milkman pushed you inside and also went inside as he locked the apartments door. Breathing a little heavily he looked towards you, it was the first time you have saw him in any other expression rather than that boring tired look. You were also terrified on what you just saw. You both hoped the doppelganger didn't notice you. Suddenly hearing a terrifying scream of your neighbour you both knew that the doppelgangers eyes wasn't on both of you.

You decided to speak but he suddenly spoke in his cold and deep voice "i am really sorry I didn't meant to push you so harshly." You didn't noticed he even pushed you 'that' hardly you were too focused on being scared. You suddenly remembered that you have to speak "oh, no that's fine. Don't apologise for it." He wasn't convinced but you still let it slide.

He may not be nervous being inside your apartment but you couldn't help but be a little, this was the first time he was this close to you. But you mentally slapped yourself as you thought this isn't the time to think about this.

You opened your mouth to speak. "So. What do we do now?" You like those zombie thriller movies. You should've figured out what to do but of course taking a wrong step would mean actually dying because this wasn't a video game or you were some cat that you've got 9 lives. Francis looked at you. "We need to inform the others about him." It was like he commanded that to you but you didn't cared about that as you took you phone out he did the same and you both started to inform everyone in the building.

You suddenly remembered the D.D.D. "We should inform the D.D.D. too though." You said. 'No shit sherlock. Why the fuck we didn't thought to call them first?' You thought. He didn't look suprised as he started dialing their number. You were preety sure he probably thought the same.

He put the phone on speaker so you both could hear the officers. "Hello, you've called the D.D.D. How can we help you?" A male voice emerged from the other line. Francis looked at you like he wanted you to speak. You sighed in defeat and opened you mouth to speak. "There is an aggressive doppelganger in xxx building!" Francis for some reason seemed disappointed from your words, or maybe you were just imagining it. "Okay mam calm down." 'How the fuck do you became calm in a situation like this!'  "We will try to send some officers in your building as soon as they are free." A slight frown was appearing on both of your faces, you both exchanged looks. "What do you mean as soon as they are free? Aren't there enough officers?"

It was weird. No the whole situation was weird. "There have been many reports of these 'aggressive doppelgangers'. We are trying to control the situation on how much we can." The guy seemed irritated like he wanted to hung up the call real quick. "Wait what-" He hung up before I could ask him what was going outside.

Francis sighed. I guess we will need to wait until they arrived. "We can wait in the living room.." You said. Obviously you just wanted him to feel comfortable. Francis nodded, he didn't seemed uncomfortable, hesitant or a little shy? He seemed really comfortable honestly and that kinda weirded you out. You both sat on the couch a friendly distance between you both.

After sitting in silence for some minutes, your anxiety was just growing and growing with every second. You seemed uncomfortable in your own home while he seemed really comfortable in your house. You wanted to start a conversation but what would you ask? How is life going on? Or how's the weather? The silence was piercing thru your mind, a sudden question arose. "Umm...do you want some water or anything else?" Francis finally looked up from his shoes that he was staring at for like hours. "Just water." You nodded at his simple answer. And got him a glass of water. He seemed like he was really thirsty then why didn't he just asked for some water? I guess cause we have never talked? You sighed heavily. Thinking of anything just anything to start to conversation with him.

Francis looked at you, it felt like he read your mind. He spoke. "So how's your studying going?" Is that all he asked after killing me in awkward silence for like half an hour? "It's going good." What else would you even say? "My daughter is in first grade." He finally is starting to speak, you felt a little relieved and perhaps happy? "She comes home early, at 12:00. I am always hoping she would come home early but today I really hope not."

You felt bad for him. He is a single dad. He must be really worried about his daughter whenever he goes out for work. You looked down at your pink carpet. You were feeling all sad now. You heard him sigh heavily.

"Sorry. I said something like this suddenly." You felt even more sad now if you could you wanted to hug him and tell him that everything will get fine. "No that's fine I understand."

After realising that your family might be in danger too now but they lived out of the state so you knew they would be just fine or perhaps you were convincing yourself.

Humans really are innocent and irrational, they could see their closed once die infront if themselves yet they would still think they can save them. How stupid of them, but this world would probably not spin if humans didn't have this specific emotion in them.


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