MD Vampire AU Finale Part 1

Start from the beginning

As usual Thad led V up to his room, however she was noticeably quiet and anxious, almost convinced to get down on her knees and beg Thad to impregnate her. Offer him anything in exchange for a baby. If Uzi had been craving pregnancy- then V was dying for it. Why was she desperate? Nobody really knew. Something about Thad just made her desire more and more prevalent.

" want a baby right?" Thad mumbled, breaking the silence as he flopped down on his bed, V stood up infront of him, teary eyed as she stumbled over her words. Thad sighed at her desperate reaction and explained "I'd like to give you kids V- I really would- but I promised my mum I wouldn't start a family until..." Thad was unable to finish as V crashed into him- knocking them both down on the bed.

Jeez- she's never been like this before.

Thad sighed "I can't give you babies until...unless... I marry you".

This sudden declaration was met with silence, clearly V hadn't been expecting Thad to bring up marriage- even Uzi and N weren't married- they kind of skipped that step and made babies first.

"You have to marry me?" V nervously asked, sitting up enough to face Thad. He nodded and rubbed the back of his head, "You know my siblings- Kara, Molly, Cameron, Daniel, Nicolas, Juniper, Thad 2.0 and Sara? Well I'm the oldest so my mum kinda made me promise to preserve the family honour and wait until marriage".

V blinked slowly at the revelation, Thad had mentioned his family before, and Thad Senior (Mr Thadson) explained how his wife had passed away the day Sara was born. Still, V had never heard Thad really talk about his family, his siblings stayed with relatives normally to save space in the apartment.

Unable to hold back her sigh, V gently kissed Thad's forehead, she wasn't going to ask him to marry her- not yet at least. As much as she wanted a baby, she respected Thad's promise to his family-


"How old is Sara now? Or Thad 2.0?" V questioned, sounding excited, her sudden change in mood made Thad smile- but also very confused. "Well I'm 19 now...I was 14 when mum passed away so...Sara is probably 5, Thad 2.0 is 6" Thad explained, he didn't really talk to his youngest siblings, they hardly remembered him due to the age gap.

V squealed with excitement and kissed Thad again- this time quite passionately on the lips. Of course Thad wasn't against this- he was just confused why V he switched from whining for a baby- to having a sudden interest in his siblings.

Taking a moment to gather herself, V bit back her fear and put her idea out in the open "I know how this will sound Thad, but the youngest 3 are staying with your mean aunt right? The one you hate! What if we took them a new place or something- that way they escape your mean aunt without upsetting your dad!"

Thad's mouth fell open, it wasn't a bad idea necessarily- Thad would be earning more than enough soon- and his mum had left him a decent bit of money he could use to get a 4 bedroom place. It was the idea of essentially gaining 3 kids overnight that scared him- especially since he assumed V would want her own kids eventually.

V noticed Thad's hesitation, and her smile sank slightly "We..we don't have to, I just really want to be a's not about wanting to be pregnant- it's about wanting children" her voice croaked slightly as she said it. They were Thad's siblings, not hers, she couldn't make the choice.

"I kinda assumed you wanted biological babies? Which I'll happily give you- just when we get married in a few years" Thad offered, unsure exactly what V wanted. "It's not about having biological children, I want to be a mother figure, though I wouldn't be against getting pregnant in the future" V explained, forehead on Thad's temple as she mumbled.

Thad took a moment to think...the youngest 3 siblings were Sara (5), Thad 2.0 (6), and Juniper (8). All under the age of ten and pretty traumatised from their unconventional start to early life- they wouldn't be easy- and when Thad and V started having their own kids in a few years..would they get jealous?

Despite his concerns, Thad could practically feel the sincerity in V's words, she wanted children not for the sake of having them. She wanted children to share her love with.

Sure V was a maniac. Sure she'd messed up before in her past. Still Thad knew how much love she had inside. He knew deep down that V would make an amazing mother.

"We need to talk it all through, but it's not a no" Thad offered, making V instantly grin and slam him down on the bed. They had adult fun- but Thad made sure to use protection like always.

Back in the hospital, Uzi and N sat alone with their newborns on the bed- now swapped so N could hold his son while Uzi cradled Luna. They had just filled out the birth certificates, reluctantly giving Doll the middle name she desired, it took a while to convince Uzi to go for it.

Since N didn't have a real last name, it was decided the children would be 'Doorman', and even N would be listed as Mr N Doorman for the sake of paperwork. Seeing himself with Uzi's last name made N blush- they already had 2 children together- but marriage still seemed pretty far off.

"Luna Doll Doorman and Sunny Khan Doorman" Uzi mumbled to herself, still emotional from the harsh birth. N smiled and squeezed her with one arm while in the other he balanced Sunny. Sunny was quite big compared to his sister but any baby was tiny in N's arms. "J helped me set up the nursery- the crib is meant to be on the ceiling right?" N teased, earning a glare back.

N laughed and pulled Uzi closer, essentially having her lie on his chest. "You better not have messed up that nursery N..." Uzi tried to sound angry, but her true feelings betrayed her as she giggled. The four (probably) vampires rested together on the bed- each feeling their eyes grow heavy as they fell asleep.

"They're asleep J- we're good to go" Khan mumbled from outside the door, earning a nod from the vampire beside him. "Good, we're figuring this out tonight" J ordered, offering Khan her back as she deployed her wings. She knew N would have questions if he were to wake up- questions she couldn't answer...yet.

All the way in the cells, Doll rubbed the sleep off her eyes as Lizzy raced to the bars eagerly "BABY! Doll- they named the girl Luna Doll!" she squealed, more excited than anyone should ever be for their 'friend' getting to be a middle name.

Doll grinned and stood up at the bars, petting Lizzy's head slightly through the thin metal poles, the ponytailed girl blushed and looked away. "Also...I may have asked V a bunch of questions about the soulmate thing..." Lizzy revealed, almost appearing shy as she spoke. Doll tipped her head curiously- not keen to talk and prevent Lizzy from revealing what she already knew.

"Um....well...I realised I have the 'hungry' feeling- the one where you can't help but want someone really bad....I kinda have that for you" Lizzy confessed, sounding anxious.

Doll sighed "Да, черт возьми, я предупреждал тебя четыре года назад (Yeah no shit, I warned you four years ago".

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