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Miranda opened her eyes and it was Christmas morning. She smiled thinking about how they spent yesterday eating the food they made and dancing to Christmas music.

Ben turned on Ray Charles "Baby It's Cold Outside."

"Have this dance with me," Ben requested with a grin on his face.

Miranda blushed and looked down. "I haven't danced in awhile."

"It's okay, we will take it slow," he said taking her hand and placing it around his neck.

He held her close as they danced and she laid her head on his chest. In this moment she felt herself falling for him because he was perfect. Most people would never do all that he'd done. He treated her with respect and saw who she was despite her situation. She had to get better and take back her life.

She tried again that night to sleep on her own but she just couldn't. He had become her comfort and she didn't want to be without him. Miranda walked to his bedroom and found him watching tv. He looked over at her and smiled while patting the bed.

She happily climbed in and laid on his chest. Ben looked down at her and had to control himself because in this moment he was seeing the beauty of her body. The small of her back was exposed so he moved his hand and ran his finger across her skin. Miranda let out a soft moan and snuggled closer to him.

They cuddled all night because she remembered falling asleep on his chest and now his arm was around her waist. His head was on the pillow but she wanted him closer. She pulled at his arm and as if he understood her request he nuzzled his face into her neck.

She wanted to enjoy it this morning and resist the urge to jump up whenever she thought of Tucker. She still loved her husband but they never had this even though she wasn't sure what this situation with Ben was other than friendship and comfort. In a way she felt like she was cheating because she still loved him but he was gone. It was time for her to pick up her life and learn to grieve in a healthy way. Maybe Ben was a part of her healing journey.

"Good morning. Merry Christmas," Ben whispered.

"Merry Christmas," Miranda said sweetly as she rubbed his arm and he held her tighter.

"Ben can I vent to you about something?"

"Yes, tell me anything."

"Being here with you like this feels amazing. I've never felt this before not even with....Tucker. But it makes me feel like I'm cheating on my him. But we haven't said that this is anything and I wouldn't expect it. I'm okay with us just being friends and you are the best friend I've ever had because no one has done what you've done for me."

"I was wondering the same thing....being like this with you feels good and natural. But I can't lie and say that I don't have some feelings for you but I don't want you to feel that I'm taking advantage of you.  I also don't expect anything because I know you're still grieving. We can just be friends until you're comfortable," Ben replied.

"I'm ready to give you the Christmas I bought you," Miranda said turning over to look at him.

"Okay, and you have to see yours," Ben said getting up.

Miranda got up and followed Ben into the living room and she grabbed the gift for him. "Sit down and open it," Miranda said smiling.

Ben looked at her curiously as he opened the box. A smile spread across his face as he stared at the watch and bracelet.

"Wow, this is so nice Miranda. Thank you."

"I was hoping you would like it," she said sitting beside him.

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