Ch. 1

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Miranda sat at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come while watching the cars go by. She wasn't really watching them more so thinking about her life. How did she get in this place? She questioned it so many times a day and even when the events played in her mind she still didn't have the answer.

Right now she couldn't even worry about that she was just trying to survive. She was glad that the three bags of cans that she collected all week earned her $45. She could go to the dollar store and get some things she needed and that's what she planned to do. The bus finally came and Miranda swiped her bus card before taking a seat.

She continued to think as she looked out of the window. She was glad that she now didn't have to worry about finding a bigger coat because the shelter was given some donations and she was able to get a coat, a book bag with toiletries and a blanket. Miranda made it to the stop she needed to be at and she began walking to the dollar store.

Miranda grabbed a basket and she watched as a few people looked her way. She ignored them and kept walking. "Okay, I need to get some canned food," she said as she stared at the canned goods.

She grabbed Vienna sausages, canned chicken and turkey, some vegetables and some cans of ravioli.

"Some chips and crackers would be good, oh and pop tarts for the morning," Miranda said to herself.

She also grabbed some water and drinks. Miranda made her way to the checkout line and she saw some of her favorite candy and some battery operated lights. She put the lights and a pack of batteries with her stuff. She was unsure if she should get the candy because she needed every dollar for necessities only but she sat it to the side to see how much her total would be. Once it was her turn she sat all her things on the belt.

Miranda kept counting her items and when she realized she would have enough money left she put the candy on the belt and a cute Christmas tote so she could put her stuff in it.

"Okay. That will be $30," the cashier said.

Miranda smiled as she handed the cashier the money, glad that she still had $15. She was already thinking of how she was going to work even harder the coming week so she could get more money.

Miranda began to walk and she started thinking again. Thanksgiving was a a couple of weeks away and then the Christmas season would be here. Miranda wanted to try to enjoy the season the best she could.

She made it to an abandoned two story house and she looked around before opening the gate and walking to the back of the house. She walked onto the porch and pushed on the  door to open it. When she walked inside the cat that she was sharing the house with came out of the kitchen and stared at her.

"Hey mittens, I was able to make enough this week to get some food that should last me the week," Miranda said as she walked into the big kitchen with her bags and the cat followed.

The cat came closer and continued to stare. "I should've brought you some food too...I guess I can share some of my food with you until I go back out."

Miranda sat at the table with the can of ravioli and crackers she bought. She put some in the ravioli top and a cracker before placing it down on the floor for mittens.

It was getting dark and even though Miranda knew the house was empty, the darkness scared her. So she grabbed the battery operated lights that she bought and placed one in each room that she used.

She walked into the downstairs bedroom and changed into the only pair of pajamas she owned before getting comfortable on her palette and opening a book she found in the trash. Mittens came in the room and curled up at the edge of her palette. Even though she never owned pets she was glad to have this cat as a companion.

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