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Elena came out of her bedroom to get breakfast started. She noticed that Miranda's bedroom door was cracked open. She walked down the hall and peeked in only to see that she wasn't there. She scrunched her face knowing where she was. She walked further down the hall to the guest bedroom and slowly cracked the door open. Elena gasped seeing Miranda wrapped in Ben's arms and they both were asleep. She just shook her head before closing the door.

Miranda woke up and stretched before rolling over in Ben's arms. "Good morning," he said with his eyes still closed.

"Good morning," she said kissing his chin and he kissed her nose.

Miranda heard her mom in the kitchen. We have to sneak and act like we haven't been together all night," Miranda whispered.

"Okay, I will meet you in the kitchen," Ben said.

20 minutes later Ben walked into the kitchen and greeted Elena and William. "Good morning William and Mrs. Bailey. Can I help you with anything?" Ben asked.

"Elena will do and no sweetie, just have a seat and I will get you some coffee."

Miranda walked in a few minutes later. "Good morning momma, good morning daddy."

Miranda sat beside Ben before speaking, "Good morning Benjamin."

"Good morning," he replied smiling at her.

"Your momma already knows that you two slept in the same bed last night," William said sipping on his coffee and reading a newspaper.

"So no need to pretend because I saw it with my own two eyes," Elena gestured.

"Sorry momma but we didn't have intercourse," Miranda said blushing.

"Okay, just be respectful of this house because we are the only ones that get to have sex in it," William said pointing between him and Elena and laughing. Miranda covered her face feeling embarrassed and Ben looked down trying not to laugh.

Later that day they took a stroll around the Inner Harbor. They visited the store to which Ben insisted that she do some shopping. She had been saving all the money she made and never really bought herself things. Miranda gave in to Ben wanting to buy her a few things. They went into one of the shops and she found a purple, backless dress and some jewelry to go along with it. Ben picked out some strappy heels to match it. After they finished shopping they continued to walk around and enjoy street performers as they passed by. They eventually found a ice cream shop and Ben ordered a scoop of chocolate and Miranda got cookies and cream. They found a place to sit just to enjoy the waterfront scenery.

"So are you enjoying Baltimore so far?" Miranda asked.

"I am, especially because it's with you. But even more when we get some actual food."

"Okay, okay, I know the perfect place. I use to go all the time when I came home."

They made their way to Fells Point to have an early dinner at Thames Street Oyster House. When they walked in they noticed the cozy and intimate atmosphere of the restaurant. When they were seated they appreciated the waterfront view that added to the vibes. It honestly made the dinner romantic and added to the feelings of attraction they felt for each other.

Ben and Miranda ordered a variety of seafood dishes. Ben wanted the crab legs for sure and Miranda wanted him to try the crab cakes, and seafood pasta. As they waited for their food to be prepared they engaged in deeper conversation, sharing their hopes and dreams.

"How is the plan going to get the neighborhood back thriving?" Miranda asked Ben.

"I've been trying to find the owners of many of the abandoned homes. A few I've found and some I haven't. I will have to buy them and renovate them so that they can be rented or sold. The same with some of the businesses. Unfortunately some of the properties have been bought out. It's just going to take a lot of money."

"I believe you can do it despite the obstacles. Just write out your business plan and find some black investors. You could also reach out to black organizations and share your plans," Miranda suggested.

"Wow Miranda that's a great idea, I will definitely be doing that. I know I've mentioned it before but I'm so proud of you for taking your life back," Ben praised as he reached out and caressed her hand.

Miranda felt a chill go up her arm from his touch. She smiled as she thanked him. "I want to work towards moving back to Seattle and getting back in the residency program."

"I think you should do that and I miss having you in Seattle with me," Ben professed.

"Even though life had been hard the past few years, the time I spent with you was the most I'd felt like myself in a long time. You make me feel safe and feel seen."

Ben just stared at her longingly for a moment before leaning to kiss her hand. Miranda whimpered a little and sighed happily. She wanted him so bad and if they were in Seattle she felt like they would've already been intimate by now. Last night confirmed that and she wasn't sure how it would be tonight.

Their food finally came and they continued to talk and enjoy each others company. They also kept passing each other flirting glances that made Miranda blush and Ben bite down on his bottom lip. They finished with dinner and decided to end the night with a walk through Federal Hill Park.

The panoramic view of the Baltimore skyline was amazing along with the starry sky. As they walked they kept brushing against each other until Ben took ahold of her hand. Though they established that they wanted something with each other they were somehow nervous despite the previous night.

They found the perfect spot on a bench that allowed for quiet reflection as they overlook the harbor's lights. Ben and Miranda sat quietly but close as they held hands and stared at the stars.

"Miranda I know that we've talked about us being more but I want to be more formal. I've liked you ever since I started getting to know you. You're an amazing woman who is so intelligent, kind, interesting. You are scarred but that adds to your beauty and deepens what makes you the person you are. I want to be able to claim all of you as mine if you will let me. Miranda Bailey....will you be my girlfriend?"

Miranda had tears in her eyes listening to Ben talk about what he saw in her. When he asked her to be his girlfriend she quickly wiped her tears.

"Yes, yes I will. You make me happy when I'm with you are such an amazing man. So kind, generous, intelligent and attentive," Miranda said staring into his eyes.

"Miranda can I kiss you?" Ben asked in a deep tenor that sent vibrations through her body.

"Please," Miranda whispered.

Ben gently grabbed her by the waist as he pressed his lips against hers. It was slow and soft as he kissed her bottom lip and she took his top lip between hers. They were sweet with each other as they were intentional about this kiss. Miranda wanted more as her body began to respond to his touch. She cupped his face and he pulled her closer as their kiss slowly intensified. Miranda slipped her tongue into his mouth and he groaned in pleasure. She whimpered as she felt his hand land on her booty. Their tongues glided against each other rhythmically and in harmony with each other. If it wasn't for the need to breathe Ben and Miranda wouldn't have pulled away. They were both panting slowly before sharing one more soft kiss.

A few days later Ben's visit had come to an end. Miranda held him tight as they waited on the porch for his cab to pick him up. Miranda had to go to work so he insisted on getting a cab instead of her bring late to work.

" I don't want you to go," Miranda whined.

"I don't want to go either baby but you can just come visit when you get ready," Ben said and she nodded her head as he kissed her forehead.

Elena stuck her head out of the door and smiled at the two embracing. "It was nice getting to know you Ben. Hopefully we can see you again soon. And here is a breakfast sandwich for the road," Elena said handing him the sandwich.

"Thank you Elena. I enjoyed being here with y'all.  Maybe the three of you can come to Seattle," Ben suggested.

The cab pulled into the driveway and Miranda whimpered in sadness as they embraced once more. Ben lifted her chin and planted a kiss on her lips.

"See you later beautiful," Ben said before getting in the cab.

Miranda sat on the porch for a moment trying to gather her feelings. She didn't want to cry but she missed him already. It just made her want to hurry back to Seattle even more.

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