Chapter 9

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Eren POV

Eren was sunbathing on the motorboat. His eyes closed as the gentle waves rocked him, and he would have dozed any moment if sudden, loud footsteps hadn't interrupted him. He opened his eyes, smiling at the frowning man.

"Did something happen, Levi?" There was no reaction from the man, he just jumped into the boat and drove away at a fast pace.

 "Hey! What are you doing?!" Levi didn't react, his heart was beating angrily and he was increasing the speed in a furious rage. Eren had trouble staying on his feet, he didn't understand what had happened, but he had no intention of letting his boss kill them both.

"Can you tell me what the hell is going on?"

"I just need to run away from everybody!"

"Is anything wrong?"

"Nothing! Just shut up for a second, ok?" Eren bit his tongue, well, Levi wants him to shut up, so he will shut up! But only for a moment, naturally. The boy did a mental countdown of ten seconds and looked ahead."

Okay, a moment has gone by, so could you explain to me what this is all about?" Levi remained silent.

"Don't ignore me!" And again nothing.

"Levi!" Eren yelled at the man and he shrank back a little bit.

"I forgot, okay?"

"You forgot what?"

"I forgot how it was having a family! I've been on my own since I was a kid, and I forgot what it's like to be surrounded by people who love you and make you breakfast and say, 'Hey! We'd love to come to you for the holidays. - And I say, "Well, what if we come to you instead? - And then grandmas love to give their grandchildren jewelry!"

"I'm confused."

"Shut the fuck up, Eren! You got all this here, and you got Philip, and I'm just ruining everything!"

"You are not ruining anything at all! I have agreed to this, you have been there, do you remember?"

"Your family loves you, do you know that?"

"I know that! Yes!"

"And you are willing to put them through all of this?"

"But they are not going to find out!"

"Yeah? How do you know that?"

"Because I told you so! It's my promise to you!"

"But I don't trust you, Eren! Do you understand that I can't trust anybody? Do you have any idea what will happen if your mother finds out about this?" When Levi let go of the rudder and began to throw his hands hysterically into the air, Eren thought they were going to die. He immediately lunged forward, trying to get the boat under control.

"And what if your grandmother finds out about it? It will kill her!"

"Levi, please try to calm down!"

"She's going to have a heart attack!" Eren looked at Levi with a warning look in his eyes and tried to stay as calm as possible, but Levi's hysterical state of mind robbed him of the last bit of peace.

"Levi, stop the hysteria and calm down! Nobody is going to die!" Eren looked ahead of them and had to make a sharp turn when he saw a buoy in front of the boat.

"I don't think that getting hysterical is the right way to express how you feel! Now... Oh, great. Now you decide to keep quiet! Levi?" Eren looked around and froze in his tracks when he didn't see Levi on the boat. He looked behind and saw his fiancé struggling to stay afloat.

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