Chapter 7

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 Eren POV

Eren lay on the floor, wrapped in a light cover, and watched the fireplace. His eyes had already started to close when he heard the deep voice of his boss.

"I love flowers, but I have never been given any of them. All of my partners have been younger than me, so they kind of expected me to spoil them and take care of them. I know I'm an asshole, but I do need to be pampered sometimes, but none of my partners have ever been able to understand that. I quit dating two years ago, yeah I mean I haven't been having sex since. I was tired of every man just wanting to have my money. I was beginning to think that no man would ever surprise me, that I would never care for anybody again, and then you - you shitty brat - came along and treated me like a real gentleman."

"That's supposed to be a compliment?"

"Shut up! Despite all the times I bullied you, underestimated you, and treated you like garbage, you smile at me, open the door for me, give me flowers, calm me down when I'm angry, and do all these crappy things.


"For God's sake, keep your mouth shut at least once in your life, Eren!"

"I'm sorry."

"I'm a book lover. I would like to play video games, but I suck. I have always wanted to have a partner who would teach me. My parents died in a car accident when I was ten. Life in the orphanage was difficult, I was often rebellious, I ran away and preferred life on the streets, where I would steal food or money. Unfortunately, the police always took me back to the orphanage. When I was eighteen, I finally left hell, found a job, a cheap apartment, and after some time, entered the local college. When I was able to save up enough money, I got a tattoo of these wings all over my back. It reminds me of how beautiful it is being free." Eren closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Levi's voice was trembling and the only thing on his mind was comfort. He kicked off the blanket, got to his feet and walked over to Levi.

"What are you doing?" Eren hadn't been wrong in his assumption, thin drops of tears were running down Levi's cheek and he was surprised how much the sight hurt him.

"I'm going to sleep with you. Not in a sexual way, I mean."

"Are you out of your mind? No way!"

"I have an idea what will help you."


"Please?" For the first time Eren looked at Levi with his famous puppy eyes. The older man let out a sigh and shifted on the bed.


"Terribly happy." Eren gave a wide smile and lay down beside his boss. He opened the arms for Levi.

"Come over here to me."


"I told you, I have an idea what would help you."

"But..." Before Levi had a chance for a protest, Eren had him in his arms. He laid Levi's head on his chest and stroked his hair with his right hand while his left stroked his back.

"I want to know everything about you." .

"You're a brat, Eren."

"And you like it, Levi."



Eren woke up with a painful blow on the top of his head. He immediately sat on the bed and looked around the room, half asleep.

"What the hell was that?" It wasn't until he was lying down again that he noticed that Levi was sleeping on the bed next to him. The younger man smiled at the peaceful older man and reached for him, but he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

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