Chapter 40: Epilogue

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(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Meg Egan became a staple name in households following her retirement from the CIA. Not only was she the inspiration behind the original Bond Girl, she also served as inspiration for one Natasha Romanoff in Marvel Comics. Meg retired in the early 70s, able to live out the rest of her life with the love of her life, Bucky Egan. Together, the two traveled the world, spoke in workshops all over the world, and generally inspired those who wanted to serve their country.

Bucky Egan went on to become a Colonel and served his country several more times overseas. He became an advocate for mental health in accordance with soldiers and actively worked to help younger veterans deal with PTSD. He passed first, passing away peacefully on his sleep in the 90s. Meg passed less than a week later, unwilling to let him be on his own for too long. The spy finally put down her badge and died in bed—something she had never anticipated happening peacefully.

The couple are survived by their six children, all of whom are highly proud of their parents and the work that they did during the War and to protect their country.

Florence Egan went on to follow in her father's footsteps. Joining the military, Florence revolutionized the world of women in the air-force. She married Robert Rosenthal's oldest son, Jason Rosenthal, a doctor in New York. Together they have three children and are very happy together.

Buck Egan went into politics and spent a majority of his time in Europe as an ambassador for the United States of America. He met and fell in love with an English singer and together, they have two children.

JJ Egan decided to follow in his mother's footsteps and go into the world of spycraft. Although he can neither confirm nor deny what exactly his work entails, rest assured he is an excellent handler and asset to whichever organization he is working for. He fell in love with Gale and Marge's oldest daughter, Rachel. They were married and have four kids.

Curt Egan found true love in the form of baseball. He ended up going pro and played for the New York Yankees until an injury left him unable to play. After that, he returned to school, met his sweetheart in an engineering program, and now they have two children.

Alex Egan went to medical school and ended up becoming a doctor. While in school, he met a nice southern girl and the two moved back to Wisconsin with their one daughter.

Margaret Egan, ever the surprise child, was a little all over the place with what she wanted to do. She finally decided to become a social worker in New York, which is where she met John Brady's youngest son. They fell in love, were married, and have five children together.

As for Meg and Bucky, their love for one another was as the poets describe summer; youthful, passionate, exciting, and never-to-be-forgotten. One Cruel Summer turned into a lifetime of happy blissful summers together—and that's exactly the type of impact they'd want to leave.


Alright kiddos, that's a wrap! I feel very satisfied with the way that this story went, so I won't be adding any deleted scenes. HOWEVER, if you have questions, or headcanons, or just want to talk Meg/Bucky post-war or anything, hit me up on tumblr @luminouslywriting
Next on the agenda, I am going to post the prologue/first chapter of my third MOTA fic TOMORROW and then be taking a week off of posting anything MOTA related so that I can relax after finals, work on another fic or two (like my top gun fic), and make some progress in my next MOTA book.
That brings me to my third item of business: Mastermind
Mastermind is the next MOTA themed fic! Ruth Sharpe is a lawyer from New York, a Jewish woman who wants to make a difference in the world, and currently dealing with a large amount of court martials in the middle of World War II. The last thing she expected was to come face to face with her long-time frenemy, neighbor, academic rival, and former crush, Robert Rosenthal, on base at Thorpe Abbotts. And she certainly didn't intend to start fake-dating him in a desperate attempt to draw attention away from the fact that her youngest and very much still a teenager brother has decided to illegally enlist as a navigator. But don't worry, Ruth always has a plan and she's very much got this. She thinks she does, anyway.
Check out the prologue tomorrow and the rest of it in a week! I'll be posting an update and I'll see you all then!

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