Chapter 13

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A/N: Just one update today....mostly because there is some spicy content ahead haha. I think you'll enjoy it! Anyways, please please, I've missed hearing from you guys! Let me know what you think!

August 1943

It was mid-August and a few weeks later when Meg had finally had enough of the silence—of the gaps between her and Bucky Egan. With the newfound support of her brother, Meg found herself assimilating back into being a whole human being again much easier. She had forgotten what it was like to laugh because someone said something funny. Forgotten what it was like to feel comfortable with someone who she had missed so much.

And with the upcoming mission that had everyone on the base on edge, Meg knew she had a narrow window for a conversation that surely needed to take place. Sooner rather than later.

She was half-surprised by the fact that Bucky hadn't come to talk to her, to ask about the things she had drunkenly divulged to him. It had been a lot of bombs dropped at one time. But then in another sense, she was grateful for the time that he was giving her. The space that he was allowing her to create.

It was a level of respect she hadn't been afforded in years.

One fine evening though, the day before they were set to fly out—Meg found herself waiting for Bucky to get back from the mess hall. She had processed enough, sat on her ass for long enough. She just desperately wanted to talk to him . To hear his voice, to hear some sort of reassurance that she hadn't totally destroyed whatever budding friendship they had been attempting to rekindle.

A group of men passed her by—and she vaguely recognized one of the pilots standing next to Buck Cleven. He was the one that had been fighting the RAF pilots a few weeks previous. They both stopped short at the sight of her, and Buck just let out a sigh.

"You here to talk to Bucky?" Buck questioned, hands on his hips.

"What can I say?" Meg gave a slight smirk and shrug. "I'm nothing if not consistent."

"He's in a meeting with Harding and Lewis," the other pilot piped up. Biddick, she thought his name was .

"He shouldn't be much longer," Buck added, a brief look of reassurance flickering in his eyes.

She just gave a nod. "I'm patient, I can wait. Thanks for letting me know."

Buck just gave a tight smile and ducked into the barracks, shaking his head. The last thing that they needed was Meg Lewis throwing off the entirety of the Hundredth by messing with Bucky Egan's head. In fact, he had half a mind to deter Bucky entirely and ensure that they didn't speak.

"Uh oh," Biddick mumbled, shooting him a look. "You've got that look on your face."

"What look is that, Curt?" Buck questioned, piquing an eyebrow in his direction.

"The one that you get when you're worried about Bucky."

Buck couldn't quite deny that. He just hoped that whatever Meg and Bucky did talk about, it didn't entirely throw Bucky Egan off of his game. "Yeah well, she's cause for concern."

"I thought you liked her," Curt pointed out. "You're always nice to her."

"Yeah, but—" Buck just shook his head. "Bucky doesn't need to be thrown off by his ex right now."

"No kidding."


She had waited what felt like an eternity, but maybe that was just because she was starting to get impatient. Starting to get worried about what she had possibly planned on saying to him. And when he finally came into view in his jeep, gaze narrowing on her—Meg felt her heart begin to doubt in her chest.

Cruel SummerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant