Chapter 31

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A/N: Okay kids....I'm debating on what my next book should be, so please tell me what you want to see first! I've got a frenemies to lovers fic with Rosie, where a new lawyer on base happens to be his childhood frenemy from New York and they end up fake-dating to throw people off so her youngest brother can PRETEND to be old enough for the air force. I've got a Brady fic, wherein Gracie Spaatz, the youngest daughter of General Spaatz is just trying to pass math. Their summer romance takes a turn towards true love when they're separated because he ends up in a Prisoner of War Camp and suddenly things are very real for the two of them. I've got a DeMarco fic, wherein DeMarco ends up in New York after the war, is forced to meet with a therapist—who he finds out is the same girl that he had a one-night stand with and now they're just trying to make things work. I've got an Integrated AU, wherein a pilot program for flight nurses and pilots is started in Europe, so we've got a whole group of gals with connections on base—and they end up in the same POW Camp as the guys as well! OR OR OR, we've got a Band of Brothers fic that I've been plotting, in which Doctor Winnie Allen joins the paratroopers in order to help. She's got five younger brothers, all of whom have signed up for the war and she's absolutely not asking for any help from anyone. It would be a Speirs slowburn and the tea is honestly piping hot with this fic idea.
SO THOUGHTS?? Which one do you want to see next? Let me know and let me know what you think! Thank you! This chapter is THE TEA and yes, it's THAT Christopher Lee, as in Count Dooku and Saruman! Canonical truth!

Chapter Text

March 1945

When Meg arrived at the SOE Headquarters, the last thing she expected was to be given a field assignment. Given the fact that she hadn't been in the field (legally anyway) since her time in Lille had ended, she hadn't expected to ever receive another assignment. Standing at attention when she entered the room to see her superior officers was exactly one other person—a rather serious and silent man who just watched the situation unfold carefully.

"Ah, Lewis—nice of you to join us," Arthur stated in a cordial tone.

She had only met him once—and that was when she had gotten back and been debriefed the first time in London. All of her other correspondence with him was through other handlers, other messengers, and along radio or telegrams.

"Sir?" Meg questioned, falling into line beside the man beside her. Upon further inspection, he was taller than she had originally thought and had a strong jawline and dark hair.

"I'll be frank with you both. Things in the war are getting messy. We need people to go in and clean things up, for lack of a better word. There are those that believe taking out key figures in the German high command will do the war effort some good. If we can confuse and scatter their forces in any way, it will be through this," Arthur said.

That sounded suspiciously like some sort of assassination attempt, if she didn't know any better.

"Lee here comes highly recommended from the Queen's special forces. And you, well—" Arthur paused, gaze falling on Meg. "Your work in getting Westgate back proves that you're one of our most capable operatives. No one's had more field experience than you. Therefore, we're partnering the two of you together with a list of targets. Go about them as you will. You have the full might of the SOE behind you and any resources that you might need should be directly reported to me so I can ensure quick success."

Meg glanced over at the man he called Lee. "Sir, you're giving us full range to do what we will?"

"Yes, Lewis," Arthur drawled. "Now I suggest that if you want this war to end quickly, you better get to brainstorming who you want to hit first and how you're going to accomplish that."

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