Chapter 37

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Three chapters to go?? This is WILD!! I can't believe we're so close to the end! But....if you guys have post-war questions, headcanons, or anything you wanna chat about, go submit something to my tumblr @luminouslywriting
I actually just did a Meg ask last night from Wattpad on there AND I'm posting some stuff about my next fic, which will definitely be the Rosie lawyer fic! So go check that out!
As always, let me know what you think! Love you guys!

Chapter Text

July 1945

Less than a month later, the whole process was being repeated for Marge and Buck's wedding—which was almost certain to be the happiest and most wholesome thing Meg had seen in a long time. There was also the fact that while the wedding was happening in Wyoming of all places, Bucky had somehow talked Buck into wanting to move to Wisconsin and live down the street from him and Meg.

It was a win no matter which way it went—mostly because Meg had also convinced Marge of the matter. Gale Cleven was absolutely certain that both Bucky and Meg being united on any matters was true menace behavior.

At the moment though, Meg was taking painstaking care to ensure that Marge's braid atop her head would stay in place with the veil. "It's too bad Sandra can't be here for this," Marge murmured. "She likes hair too."

Meg smiled at that. "She's handling some takedowns at the moment, but she does send her best. And some after-wedding clothes for you," Meg added with a grin.

A blush dusted across Marge's cheeks. "You two are always spoiling me."

"That's because you deserve it," Meg said in a gentle tone, finally finishing off the last piece of hair. "There, what do you think?"

"Oh I love it," Marge absolutely lit up at the sight of herself in the mirror, veil and dress made down to the last perfect detail. She glanced up at Meg, nearly beaming to the point Meg was certain her face would hurt. "I don't have any sisters, so this was awfully kind—"

"Marge, you never have to thank me," Meg promised her. "Certainly not for anything as lovely as this. You're my best friend."

"I'm so glad Bucky found you again. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Stayed in the US and been bored while you waited for Buck to make it back?"

"Well yes," Marge agreed with a light laugh. She sobered for a moment, clinging onto Meg's hand for a while. "I forgot what it was like to not be lonely until I met you."

"That makes two of us, Marge."

"Margie and Marge?" Marge grinned brightly.

"Forever," Meg agreed. "Now let's get you into the chapel. I'll bet Bucky is at his wits end with Flo—her and her hair-pulling are going to do him in."

"Oh she's darling and he's completely wrapped around her finger," Marge protested. "I'm sure he's doing just fine."


Bucky was certain he had never seen Buck Cleven ever so nervous in his life. Certainly not in basic training, certainly not when they had gone over to Europe together, certainly not in any missions, and not even in the Stalag.

"Buck, you need to relax, my friend," Bucky advised, watching Buck adjust his tie in the mirror. Baby Flo rested in his arms, tugging on his own tie and occasionally making some funny noises, but everything was just perfect in his mind. He had a family who he loved more than life itself and today, his best friend was getting married.

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