Chapter 32

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A/N: Meet Buck's actual namesake, Buck Landry, my gay son who I love....AND have a small crossover just for kicks and giggles, somewhere around episode 9 of BoB! That being said, please let me know what you think haha!!

Chapter Text

April 1945

Meg should have known that her new routine wouldn't have sat well. Wouldn't have gone over well. Because of course the minute that things stabilized in some way, something had to change up and go wrong. That was just her luck and the course of life that she was currently in at the moment.

Unfortunately, the grim fact of the matter was that Meg's cover had been blown the minute that she had been seen by a Nazi—a former Parisian occupant who had frequented her mother's apartment back in the day. He had recognized her almost immediately—and the next thing Meg knew, she was being transported to the heart of Germany, almost presumably for some sort of execution with the German High Command.

Fortunately for her—the roads had all been blocked by the incoming forces of Allies that were breaking through. Meg found satisfaction in the fact that these men had orders to bring her in alive to German High Command and that they now had to traipse through the German countryside and try to avoid the roads.

She also took solace in the fact that Lee was coming for her—almost certainly wouldn't be leaving her to her fate. And the Allies were close enough that if she could just make a run for it, then she'd be home free. She'd be alright.

Her injuries were just a part of the equation though. Torn clothes, a bloody gash on her head, and barefoot as she trekked forward, ropes on her wrists burning into the skin. Just up ahead, she could hear the conversation taking place.

"We're too close to the damn Allies. I say we just kill her here and be done with it."

"We can't just—"

Meg didn't wait around to hear what their plan for her was. Her eyes locked onto the man just ahead of her, at the gun at his waist. Before anyone could stop her, Meg had made a mad dash forward—lunging and tackling the man to the ground.

Before she could even grab for the gun, she was being hauled off of him. She let out a wild snarl, grabbing onto the arm trying to wrap around her neck. She tugged it harshly, not stopping until she heard a snap and then she slammed her foot into his stomach. The wind was knocked out of him and she spun their position, holding him in a threatening chokehold.

If they were going to shoot her, they'd have to shoot him first. The group of Nazi soldiers that had been transporting her all trained their weapons on her but she was ready. In one large movement, she shoved him forward and snatched his larger gun from his grasp.

Meg rolled into a standing position as he fell, slamming the gun into his throat and shooting straight through him. The bullet, aimed just so carefully, tore through his throat and blasted into another man's hip. He crumpled with a short scream and then Meg was rolling and ducking behind a tree as bullets came raining at her.

Breathing heavily, Meg waited for a moment before making another mad dash. She slid across the leaves, shooting wildly at the men in the clearing. Just as she came to a stop, something harsh collided with her temple and Meg's head slammed into the ground. Stars blinking in her vision as the gun dropped from her grasp.

Hands closed around her throat and Meg clawed at him—and then her hand closed around something solid. She slammed a rock upwards and straight into his temple. He immediately dropped limp as Meg rolled out from under him, gaze locking onto the three remaining soldiers, all of whom had guns.

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