Chapter 1

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Mikey's head felt like it was spinning. Pain. Fighting. Shouting. That was all he could remember. Mikey pulled himself into a sitting position. He was trying to calm his racing heart while examining the dark space he was in. It was hard to see. That was the first thing Mikey found weird. He could normally see fine in the dark. Before Mikey could think about why he couldn't see, a door cracked open, and a stream of light flowed into the space. Mikey blinked, his eyes adjusting to the new light source. Baby? Are you awake? A woman asked, standing in the doorway. Mikey took a moment to look her over. She was beautiful. She looked to be in her late thirties or early forties. She had long brown hair that flowed down her back in waves and bright blue green eyes. She had fair skin with only a few wrinkles. She must smile and laugh a lot. Mikey noted. He continued to look her over, noticing that she was wearing a robe and slippers. Baby? She asked, looking at him worriedly. Mikey snapped out of his examination, smiling sheepishly. Sorry. He said. For being awake? The woman asked, confusion on her face. No. I'm sorry for looking. Mikey explained. The woman laughed. Baby, I'm your mother. There's nothing to apologize for. She said. Mikey frowned. What? He asked, confused. Oh, Mikey, did you stay up too late? The woman asked. No. Well, not later than I normally do. Mikey responded, confused about how this woman knew his name. The woman moved further into the room. She surprised Mikey when she moved to sit next to him. Baby, is something wrong? The woman asked, noticing Mikey's discomfort. You're not scared of me? Mikey asked. No. Why would I ever be scared of you? The woman asked genuinely, seeming concerned. I'm not like you. Mikey said, avoiding eye contact with her. Mikey flinched when the woman gently tilted his chin up. Michaelangelo, you listen very carefully. I love you. You are my son. My joy. I don't care what you do or who you are. Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you. Do you understand? The woman asked, her eyes holding nothing but seriousness and love. Mikey felt himself nodding. He trusted this woman. He had never seen her before, but something about her screamed firmillar and safe. You should go back to sleep, Mikey. The woman said softly. Mikey nodded, moving to lay back down. The woman tucked him in and kissed his forehead gently. Goodnight, baby. She said softly, quietly leaving the room. Mikey wouldn't process anything that had happened until the next morning. The sunlight lit up the cozy family suburban home, waking its inhabitants. The first to rise was none other than Michaelangelo himself. With a groggy yawn, Mikey slid into a sitting position, his legs hanging off the bed. It took a moment for his senses to register, but when they did, his eyes flew open. Instead of the cold sewer concrete he should have felt under his feet, there was plush carpet. That wasn't what scared Mikey. His feet, which should have had three toes and been green, were completely normal human feet. Before Mikey could think things through, he was screaming. The sound of three loud thumps and echoing screams from the rooms near his own made Mikey's breathing spiral. He needed to get out. Mikey rushed towards the door, flinging it open, his eyes filled with wild fear. At the same time, three other doors, including the two across from him and the one next to him, flew open, teenage boys emerging with similar wild, fearful looks. Mikey screamed, the other boys doing the same. Mikey immediately reached down at his sides for his numbchucks only to be met with empty air. Unbeknownst to Mikey, the teenagers around him were his brothers. This, of course, was unknown information for all of the boys, each one thinking they were surrounded by strangers. Leo immediately reached behind his back to pull forth his katanas but came up empty-handed. Raph had reached down at his sides for his sais only to realize, much like Mikey had with his numbchucks, that he did not have them. Donnie went to pull something from above him only to grasp at air where his bo staff should have been. Realizing they were somewhat defenseless without their weapons, the boys shifted into defensive ninja stances. Leo immediately recognized the stances of his brothers. He looked directly across from him into the baby blue eyes of what appeared to be the smallest teenager. Instantly, Leo recognized that this boy was Mikey. Mikey? Leo asked hesitantly. Hearing his voice and looking into his deep blue eyes, Mikey instantly recognized Leo. Leo?! Mikey asked, shocked. Wait, hold up. Raph? Donnie? Leo asked, turning to look at the other teens. Leo! Raph and Donnie shouted simultaneously. Instantly, the defensive positions were dropped as the brothers rushed to hug each other. They pulled back slowly, each one taking a moment to look at themselves and each other. Leo had swooped brown hair, deep blue eyes, and was the second tallest of the group. Raph had spiked dark red hair, electric green eyes, and was the third tallest of the group. Donnie had straight brown hair, red-brown eyes, and was the tallest of the group. Lastly, Mikey had curly red-orange hair, baby blue eyes, and was the shortest of the group. Dudes, we're humans. Mikey pointed out. Before anyone else could say anything, a stern feminine voice rang out. What is going on up here? The voice demanded. The brothers turned to look at the owner of the voice. Mikey recognized her as the woman he had talked to the night before. He had originally thought it was a dream, but she stood there with her arms crossed at the top of what appeared to be stairs, making Mikey well aware of the fact that it was definitely not a dream. The woman glared at the boys. I'm waiting. She said impatiently. What is going on? She repeated, noticing the blank looks on their faces. Leonardo? The woman asked, turning to face the boy in question. Leo was shocked that the woman knew his name. He had never seen this woman before in his life. He fumbled for a response that he didn't have, unsure what to do. The woman frowned, her gaze switching to Raph. Raphael? She asked. Raph was just as stunned as Leo, unable to form words. The woman pinched the bridge of her nose, turning to the younger two. Donatello? Michaelangelo? She asked. When they didn't respond, the woman sighed, her anger seeming to melt away. Boys, I'm not mad. I just want to know why you were all screaming. The woman said calmly. You'll wake the neighbors. She added after a moment. I know you. Mikey said, stepping forward. Of course, you know me, baby. I'm your mother. The woman said. What is all this about Mikey? Is this another joke? The woman asked, obviously confused. I expect that kind of thing from Mikey, but I expect better from the three of you. The woman said, turning to face the remaining brothers. How do you know our names? Raph asked cautiously. The woman sighed. Okay, I'll play along. She relented. Is this some kind of manipulation tactic? The woman asked. If this is your way of trying to get me to buy you guys the latest video game console, it won't work. I already told you boys we don't have that kind of money. The woman said, crossing her arms. What? Leo asked, confused. A video game console. He repeated, confused. The woman hummed. I'll tell you what. If you boys stop whatever game you're playing, I'll get you the console for your birthday. She said. Donnie frowned, putting the pieces together. Can we have a moment, please? He asked the woman. She smiled slightly in response. Go ahead. She said. Donnie yanked the others into a circle, lowering his voice to a hushed whisper. Guys, I think I know what happened. Donnie whispered. What? Leo asked curiously. When we got shot with the Kraang guns, we were transported into another universe. Donnie explained. Why are we not in our bodies then? Raph asked. That's the thing. I think the guns transported our minds into the bodies of our other universal counterparts. Donnie said. What about that lady? Mikey asked. Well, I think she is our mother. Donnie said. We don't have a mother. Raph stated. No, but human versions of us would. Donnie said. So what, she thinks we are her sons because we are in their bodies? Leo asked. Exactly. Donnie said. Wait, but where did our counterparts go? Raph asked. Donnie shrugged. I don't know. He said. Dudes, she'll kill us if we tell her we lost her sons and took over their bodies. Mikey said worriedly. We won't tell her. Leo said determinedly. I mean, technically, we are her sons, right Donnie? He asked. Donnie nodded. Yes. I mean, some versions of us are. He said. Okay, so here's the plan. Leo said. We act like nothing is wrong. As far as she knows, we are her sons, so we have to act like it. That means we will act like we love her, and we know her. We will play the role of our counterparts until we find out what happened and how to fix it. Don't say or do anything that might cause suspicion. We have to stick together. We're ninjas. Anything we don't know, we'll figure out ourselves. Also, we don't know how our counterparts act, so keep it bland. No ninja stuff or turtle stuff. Got it? Leo asked, looking at all of his brothers. Got it. The other three replied, trusting in their leader. Okay. Stealth mode, guys. I want to see your best acting skills. If you don't know, follow my lead. Leo said, looking at each of his brothers in an attempt to reassure them. Curt nods were exchanged before the circle broke, and the brothers put on their best innocent smiles. So do we have a deal? The woman asked, referring to her offer of the video game console. She looked at each of her sons expectantly. Leo stepped forward. Deal. Sorry mom, we just really wanted that console. Leo lied, hoping to play off their confusion as a joke. The woman smiled in relief but frowned at what Leo had called her. Leo, are you sure you're alright, sweetheart? She asked curiously. Of course. Why wouldn't I be? Leo asked, internally panicking despite his calm exterior. You haven't called me mom in a long time. The woman said. Leo froze. He was at a loss. He had assumed their counterparts called their mother mom, but the way she was talking, they each called her something different. Leo could only guess at what his counterpart called her. Leo crossed his fingers desperately, hoping his counterpart was like him. Leo knew this was make or break, so he had to get it right. Leo decided to use the term he would have used if he had a mom. Forgive me, mother. Leo said, holding his breath as he watched her reaction. She seemed satisfied. There's my Leo. She said, beaming. Leo released the breath he had been holding. He couldn't believe his luck. Why don't you boys get ready for the day? The woman suggested with a smile. It's Saturday, so we have the whole day together! She said, obviously happy about that. I'll be downstairs making breakfast if you need me. Come join me when you are all ready. She said. She blew a kiss their way before heading down the stairs. Once she was out of earshot, Mikey burst. Dude! That was so close. Mikey said. Yeah, Leo, how did you know what you were supposed to call her? Donnie asked. I didn't. Leo responded. If I had a mom, that's what I would call her. Our counterparts must be more similar to us than we think. Leo said with a shrug. We should get ready. It's not polite to make people wait. Leo said, changing the subject. The others nodded. With that, the boys headed back into the rooms they had emerged from, each one slowly accepting the fact that they were in an unknown world. They would have to be careful, but Raph still believed that everything would be okay as long as they stuck together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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