Expired Drugs

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With his brother, I started searching for him, we went to the park, there we found nothing, we went to the police station as well and asked them if he came back, and they replied "no", we went on asking everyone nearby with the poster, if they had seen them, we walk through the temple lane, as Sanik saw him went that way, but still no one gave a proper response, after walking for an hour from there, I felt something strange, nostalgic, but I never visited this place. I had strange, mixed feelings for that place, It was a Medical College, so I peeked in there and found nothing useful, and we kept on moving to search even further, there were a bunch of students who were going home probably, we asked them if they saw him, one of them replied "yes, he was drunk and fell asleep in the ground".

In a moment, I turn back to look at the college, Sanik was already at the gate running into the college, I followed him, and took that student with me, we went to the ground, we found Pratik lying there like a dead body, but when did he drink?, and why he choose college to take rest, anyway we try to wake him up, but he didn't even move a bit, we were concerned about him, and asked the student, if there was any doctors in there, as it was a medical college, he replied "many of our teachers are actually doctors, you can try asking for help. I need to go, I'll be late".

We went to the Head Office, there were no one, I found only one nurse, who ran away as soon as I called her, I may be looking scary with hunger, but we needed help. One Tall man comes to us, and asks what do we want, we reply "we need a doctor", Sanik continues "my brother is unconscious, he doesn't drink anything".  Tall man replied "yes, I am a doctor, I think I can help, where is your brother".  We take the doctor to Pratik, and doctor gives him some tablet, Sanik asks what is it?, before the doctor replies, I say "a stimulant", without even realizing I'm speaking, especially speaking with that guy I hate. Doctor responds "yes, he should wake up now". 

After a few minutes, Pratik comes back to life, and asks "where am I?", his brother and he have a little chit chat, Sanik wants me to leave, I can say with the look in his eyes. But Pratik invites me for lunch, (yes finally, I can have my lunch time hehe) I accept and we three start walking towards Pratik's home. We ask the doctor if Pratik is alright?, he replied "he is perfectly fine, he just got dizzy, but make sure you bring him again later to run some tests". Sanik responded "Tests?, no thanks, my brother is fine". I try to be polite and tell the doctor, don't worry we will get him back soon. Sanik gives me that weird look again (I hate this guy).

Anyway we continue walking and ask Pratik how is he, is everything fine? , for which he responds "yeah, I am fine, but I feel slight pain in my neck". Sanik replies "that must be cause you slept without a pillow on the bare ground". Pratik sighs, and there is dead silence, then we reach home. Pratik's wife was happy to see him back with us, she asked him to inform her before he does anything next time, yeah even I wanted to tell that too, as we were all worried about him. we start having Lunch, very late but still it was warm, I ask Pratik why he went to the college anyway, he replied "I was searching for that boy, who was at the sea shore, with blood all over his shirt, he was unconscious, he had a similar ID card as of that college which we visited.

"Oh, now I remember you said something about ID", replied his wife, well can't do anything now. At least he's found now, So that kid was a medical student, which you said was unconscious at the sea shore two months back. "yes" replied Pratik, Sanik was not in mood to talk, he is not angry anymore but still he didn't wanted to talk. May be he was also hungry after all, I try to start a conversation with him again and he shouts "you may leave",  you found my brother and his ring, thank you very much, but do not disturb us again he said calmly. (why this guy hates me so much) I wanted to ask many questions and know more about myself, but this guy just wants me to leave.

I thought I'd come back another day, but as soon as I start leaving, Pratik falls down, unconscious again, this is something serious, why did he faint again I ask myself, then we went to the doctor whom we met at the hospital, they admitted Pratik and ran some tests, Dr. Arch was the name on the card which the Tall man gave to us, he said to Sanik, "your brother will be alright, he had just consumed some expired drugs, some anesthetics, but where did he find them." I reply he was lost at the Old Hospital near the sea shore, he may have got them from there, we searched Pratik's pockets for any clues, we find some expired sleeping pills, anesthetics,  and some Scheduled Drugs, but all of them expired years ago. We didn't understood why he took them.

Pratik gained back his consciousness and replied, "I was told it was medicine to cure my headaches",  which I got when I was at the hospital, I remember now, there was one doctor at that abandoned hospital, something bit me there at the hospital, and this doctor gave me these and said If I take them everything will be alright, and I may not die. "Die?" replied his brother Sanik. But I kept quite, and asked him, did he lose that ring in the hospital?, Pratik replied "I don't remember, my memory is not quite right, since I visited that hospital.

There is something really wrong with that hospital, Sanik once again started getting angrier, he shouted "I'll not leave them, where is that hospital". This guy definitely does not think before he shouts. But I also wanted to visit that hospital again.

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