Chapter 7

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"We meet again," a voice emerged from the darkness, its bright blue eyes piercing the veil of night.

"No... Why are you here again?" Midnight's voice crackled with anger and fury, her eyes flashing red in the dimness. "I thought you already got what you wanted!" She conjured a silent blue flame in her palms, a defensive gesture ingrained in Cosmodian instincts.

Stellar stepped forward, her own eyes glowing amidst the shadows. "Look, I don't want to be here any more than you think I do... Just listen and-"

"Listen? You want me to listen?" Midnight's rage surged, her star pendant vibrating and glowing intensely. The flames in her hands grew, fueled by her escalating emotions, until she finally released them towards Stellar.

Stellar recoiled in fear. "Please, listen! I'm sorry, okay?" With each word, Midnight advanced, her demeanor growing more threatening.

In a swift motion, Stellar took to the skies, evading Midnight's attacks effortlessly. "If you could just listen to me..." she pleaded, dodging Midnight's blows. "Then you would know just how sorry I am and that why I'm here isn't about that..."

Midnight paused at the sound of Stellar's words, tears streaming down her cheeks. She turned away, attempting to conceal her emotions. "Then why are you here? I thought you got what you wanted after selling me out... Aren't you happy now?"

Stellar averted her gaze, regret painting her cheeks a faint red. "No..." She interjected, her voice laced with remorse. "I was never happy with what I did... Every day, I regret what I did to you... I'm truly sorry, Midnight..."

"Then why are you here? Why did you leave Cosmodia, galaxies away? The Stellar I knew had much more pride than that..."

"I was given a warning... The same warning that you were... The dark spirit has intentions that may lead to the end of our world as we know it." Stellar elucidated, her voice tinged with urgency. "I saw the spirit. I saw what it's capable of, and we both know it's something that you can't face alone."

Midnight turned back to Stellar, her resolve unwavering. "Then promise..." Her eyes glowed with a mixture of determination and apprehension. "Promise that you wouldn't do that again."

"I promise..." Stellar affirmed.

As the winds howled relentlessly, Midnight struggled to keep her eyes open. It was time for them to return home.

"Since you're here, you'll have to stay with me," Midnight declared, shielding herself from the biting wind.

Leading Stellar to Candy's mansion, they slipped in through the window Midnight had previously used. "Sorry, my room is a mess right now..." Midnight's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she picked up a black t-shirt from the floor.

"No problem! I don't mind..." Stellar's gaze darted towards a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows. Its shadowy form and glowing pink eyes sent shivers down her spine before it vanished into thin air. Clutching Midnight's stuffed black cat tightly, Stellar couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty about what the future held.

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