Chapter 1

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"Luna!" Tulip exclaimed, a young child with bright blonde hair and green eyes brimming with happiness. She dashed through the door, racing into the vast fields of grass owned by her father, Henry. Climbing a tree, she joined her father as they watched the sunset over their farm.

"Help!" A cry pierced through the tranquility, a voice Henry recognized instantly. He leaped down and dashed towards the farmhouse, Luna and Tulip trailing behind. Bursting through the door, they were met with the lifeless body of Henry's wife, Agatha. Her once radiant purple and indigo hair had lost its luster, her eyes now dull and lifeless, blood staining the living room floor. Something dreadful had occurred.

Collapsing to the ground, Henry wore a distant expression on his face. Luna stared in horror, her eyes mirroring the lifelessness of her mother's. Tulip, too young to comprehend the gravity of the situation, stood bewildered. Since that tragic day, Luna had felt an emptiness in her heart, a shadow lingering over her. She harbored a burning desire for revenge against whoever was responsible.


Midnight hovered about, her eyes gleaming with delight as she perched atop her wardrobe, then descended gracefully, finally settling herself upside down on the ceiling. Engrossed in her phone, she texted Dylan and Candy.

While Candy was out with her newfound friends, and Dylan was at the hospital with his sister, Midnight found solace in the empty mansion, tasked only with looking after Lea.

"How's it going with your new friends?" Midnight inquired, a hint of envy tingeing her words. Candy's recent rise as a social media influencer and content creator had led her to spend more time with her popular circle of friends.

"Amazing! We're at the new amusement park, capturing memories!" Candy replied enthusiastically.

Midnight sighed, her eyes flashing a purple hue. "That sounds wonderful. I'm enjoying myself at home too," she fibbed, forcing a smile through her melancholy. "As long as she's happy, I should be too."

A loud crash interrupted her thoughts, prompting Midnight to rush downstairs. Dropping her phone, she found Lea amidst a chaotic scene in the kitchen, plates and food scattered across the floor.

"Oh my stars! What have you done?!" Midnight exclaimed, a sense of dread washing over her as she attempted to clean up the mess. "Candy is going to be furious with me for not supervising properly!"

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