Chapter 2

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"Oh my stars! What did you do?!" Midnight exclaimed, aghast at the chaotic scene before her. Broken plates and scattered food littered the room, while Lea stood precariously on a stool, reaching for a jar of cookies.

"I'm going to have to call our maid to clean this—"

Candy breezed past Midnight, her attention absorbed by her phone. Ignoring the mess, she didn't even acknowledge Midnight's presence, heading straight upstairs and slamming her bedroom door shut.

Midnight followed, knocking softly on Candy's door before sighing. "She's probably busy..."

Retreating to her own room opposite Candy's, Midnight floated onto her bed, burying her face in her duvet. Tears welled in her purple-glowing eyes as she struggled to contain her emotions, feeling the weight of loneliness settle upon her.

Of course, Candy had found new friends, leaving Midnight feeling increasingly isolated. Perhaps she would have to grow accustomed to this solitude. Reaching for her phone, she dialed Dylan's number.

"Dylan, can we go out together?"


At their usual spot, Cozy Corner Cafe, Midnight and Dylan sat facing each other, awaiting their orders.

"Thanks for agreeing to come, especially with everything going on with your sister," Midnight said, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as her eyes shimmered.

"No problem at all. I could use the distraction," Dylan replied. "So, what's on your mind?"

Resting her head on the table, Midnight sighed. Dylan gently placed his hand on her head. "Something's clearly bothering you. And I know it's not just one of your 'Cosmodian stages.' Talk to me." He met her glowing purple gaze with concern.

Midnight managed a small smile. "How are you always so perceptive?"

"Because I know you," Dylan answered firmly, his expression protective. "Your eyes give it away. They glow purple whenever something's wrong."

"Ha! You know me too well," Midnight chuckled softly, her eyes still emitting a purple glow. "It's about Candy..."

"What did she do to you?" Dylan's voice tinged with anger.

"No, nothing like that," Midnight clarified, averting her gaze. "It's just... ever since she became a social media influencer, she's been distant. Always holed up in her room or out with her new friends. I feel left out, sometimes even envious of her. But I don't want to be selfish. I'm okay with our current group, but I just wish for more... to feel like a normal girl..."

A passing waitress interrupted their conversation, delivering their orders. "One cold fruit smoothie and one boba tea—"

"Thanks," Dylan replied, catching the waitress's attention. She paused, seemingly recognizing him. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

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