Chapter 6

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"I think you need to talk to her." Velvet said.

"Break it off or get her or break it off with Neptune." Coco added, "You can't let Weiss control your feelings."

"You guys are right. I wish you weren't right." I groaned, "I don't want to have this conversation!"

"You've got this, we'll be here for you when you get back." Velvet smiled.

"WHY CAN'T YOU GUYS EVER GIVE ME BAD ADVICE?!" I said and my team laughed.


I feel anxious. I wish I could just turn around. I wish I didn't have to talk to Weiss about this. I wish things were different. I wish we had kissed and that was our story. We would date and there would be no mention of Neptune, no secrets.

Her dorm is right there.

There they are. Neptune and Weiss. She's kissing him goodbye.

I guess we don't need to have that conversation, I guess her decision has been made.

I stood there for a moment, stunned. Weiss looked past Neptune, her eyes meeting mine. Her mouth fell open and before she could call out to me, say anything to me, I began to run back to my dorm.

"(Y-Y/N)!" I heard Weiss yell from down the hall before hearing her faint apologies to Neptune.

I made it back to my dorm, out of breath. I could hear Weiss's heels echoing, I knew she was following me.

"(Y/n)!" She yelled, more firmly this time.

"What?" I coldly replied, turning to face Weiss. I could feel the tears on my face before I could even register that I was crying.

"Neptune and I," Weiss sighed, "It's just a cover."

"Weiss, you shouldn't need a cover and you certainly shouldn't be kissing your cover." Weiss took a step closer to me, attempting to reach out and grab my hand or caress my cheek, anything to convince me to not say what we both knew was coming, "This is over."

"(Y/n), please." Weiss began to cry too, it broke my heart, "Please, I won't be with Neptune anymore. I'll tell everyone about us, please."

I shook my head, opening my dorm door and closing it behind me.

Velvet brought me into a hug immediately when I entered the dorm, "I'm proud of you."

Coco joined in and hugged the both of us, "I'm proud of you too...We heard the conversation through the door...Thin walls.."

I laughed as I cried, all of my teammates attempting to console me.


I stopped attending Port's class. It was too hard to see Weiss. Fox was nice enough to record the lectures for me.

"(Y/n)!" Yang called out, "I haven't seen you in a while." Yang slung her arm around my shoulders, "I've missed you!"

"Sorry, Yang, I've just had a lot going on."

"Weiss's also been acting off. Something happen?" I could see that Yang was fishing for answers.

"Weird." I responded.

Yang huffed, "Regardless, why don't we get lunch?"

"Just us?"

"And Blakey and Rubes." I nodded in agreement.

We walked into the cafeteria and sat where Ruby and Blake were waiting for us.

"Weiss said she'll join us, finally! She's been refusing to leave the dorm lately." Ruby said.

I glared at Yang who looked away from me, "That's good." Yang responded.

Weiss entered the dining hall. Our eyes met, hers widened. Weiss sat down across from me.

"Hey..." Weiss said, her eyes locked onto me.


"Are we interrupting something?" Yang asked, looking between the two of us. Weiss and I looked away from each other.

"You guys have been acting really off." Blake pointed out.

"I have feelings for (Y/n)." Weiss stated to the shock of Yang, Blake, Ruby, and myself.

"Do you mean feelings of general bitterness or—?" Yang said, breaking the tension and receiving a nudge from her partner and her sister.

Weiss glared at Yang, "That's why things have been off recently. I should go now." Weiss stood up, "I'll see you all back at the dorm." And with that, Weiss left.

"Is anyone else confused and shocked?" Ruby asked, looking at her team for agreement.

"Never been more confused before." Blake agreed.

"I had a feeling especially since she dumped Neptune." Yang smugly replied, once again receiving a glare from Blake and Ruby, "(Y/n), what exactly happened? I'm a bit surprised you rejected Weiss."

"I didn't reject her."

"Then, what are you doing here? Weiss just told you she was into you!"

"It's just.." I sighed, "..It's too difficult. Relationships aren't meant to be this hard. I shouldn't be this hurt this early on. I-I need t-to go." I stood up, leaving before any of the members of team RWBY could stop me.

I can't believe how upfront Weiss was. I can't believe she dumped Neptune.

I saw her from down the hall. I saw her standing outside my door, waiting for me.

"I meant to go to my dorm, I don't know why I couldn't help but come here." I walked closer to Weiss, "I'll do anything to win you back, (Y/n). I'll give you anything, I'll do anything, please. I know we haven't known each other for very long, but I've never felt more strongly for someone. I've never cared so much about another person. I've never gone to sleep hoping to dream of another person. I've never spent an entire class staring at another person. I'd never experienced any of that until you." Weiss grabbed my hands, tears beginning to stream down her face, "I was stupid. For Oum's sake, Neptune's stupid! I shouldn't have done any of that. I should've told you I liked you, I should've asked you out, I should've asked you to dance."

"Weiss," I cut her off, "I like you too."

Weiss kissed me, her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me closer, deepening the kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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