Chapter III: An argument to be remembered

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It was a new morning, and the sunlight spilled in the darkened room, illuminating everything in its path as the sun rose, rousing me from my sleep. I glanced at the frame on the nightstand; Cecil's picture was more visible, therefore, even more beautiful than last night.

What an irony it was, this estate; when it's night, everything seems pitch-black, barely visible, if not for the countless lamps scattered around the manor; once it's daytime, everything is suddenly bright and cheerful and visible, that you can be able to scrutinize everything in your surroundings; what an irony.

Day and night,
Black and white,
Holds the might,
Of one's light.

I turned and got off the bed, putting my indoor slippers on. I looked at the clock; it was already 8:39 a.m. Zoey was still fast asleep on the other side of the bed, but Charlie wasn't there anymore. Maybe he went downstairs already, for breakfast.

I left Zoey, snoring like a pig, and went downstairs. I was mad hungry for breakfast; I didn't know why. As I neared the staircase, Ashley came out of the other room, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, Ashley," I said, smiling as she walked to the staircase as well. She looked like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, though.

"Morning," was all she answered. She seemed pissed that Mark left the room without letting her know or waking her up. I didn't want to annoy her further by my useless inquiries like What happened? or Are you okay?, so I just left her with her emotions. Besides, I guessed the reason, which maybe isn't but maybe is.

There was a French song playing on a turntable; it was Les Feuilles Mortes, sung by Edith Piaf; it fitted the vibe of autumn, painting its solemn and grave picture by its lyrics and accompaniment. Those lyrics went like this;

C'est une chanson, qui nous ressemble
Toi tu m'aimais, et je t'aimais
Nous vivions tous les deux ensemble
Toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais

Such beauty was that song; I loved it. And by it, I loved autumn.

We reached the ground floor, where all the stuff and furniture last night were. I heard Mark, Mike, and Charlie laughing together, outside, and the loud clinking of glasses; they were drinking - early in the morning! I dreaded how Ashley would react at this deed, but she miraculously kept her cool as we walked out of the manor, to the breakfast table.

"Good morning, babe," Ashley said, as she smiled sarcastically but realistically. Mark downed his glass of wine before looking up at his girlfriend with droopy eyes.

It's very early in the morning, I thought, and this is what he's up to?! Oh, what do I care... He's just my friend, not my brother.

It took Mark a few seconds before he answered Ashley, in quite a surly manner, "What's good about this morning? What do you want?"

Ashley was a bit offended and vexed by her boyfriend's manner of talking to her; "I was just greeting the morning. What's wrong with you today? and why are you drinking this early?"

"Why do you care? It's my life, my plans, my rules, myself! Remember this, Ashley: I am the boss of me, so you don't tell me what to do, "

I saw Charlie at the corner of my eye; he turned around from his seat and held his forehead, embarrassed and disappointed at the conduct and attitude these two lovebirds were displaying in front of Mike, the guide.
I couldn't blame his reaction; it was indeed embarrassing, so embarrassing, in fact, that I wanted to turn away and leave them to their rants.

But I couldn't just leave Ashley there; things may take a horrible turn for the both of them and we would be forced to leave, banned from the estate. Mike was even getting a bit frustrated looking and hearing the both of them, throwing vulgar words at each other, cursing and swearing in front of him.

I finally took the urge to hold Ashley's arm and take her away. She abruptly withdrew her hand at first, but I looked at her with sad eyes and mouthed the words: Please keep your cool. After which, she took a deep breath and made me lead her back in the manor, but not before one last glare at Mark and flipping him off, which made Mike turned his head away, visibly annoyed and disgusted.

What has happened to both of them? I hope they make up for all of this and reconcile before we walk around the estate because, if not, this would be a trip unworthwhile.

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