23||THE PERFORMANCE (cont'd)

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~The day the royals of Ashokdhar arrived. Midnight.
Ishani sat on her bed in her room, getting ready for the night. She changed into more comfortable clothes and climbed into the bed when a glass dropped by the table on the far side of the room. She looked at it, in shock. Midnight it was and no gushing winds were felt. She reached for the dagger between her pile of clothes and started walking towards the sound.

She pushed aside curtains cautiously. She turned the corner where the table and bookshelves were. A sturdy hand pulled her around, pushing her back against the wall. It was almost like a cubicle, with walls on opposite sides and a bookshelf on the third.

Adarsh smiled at her, holding her dagger-holding hand behind her and her other arm over her head.

"How ridiculous you are." Ishani rolled her eyes, calmed down that it was only him.

"I missed you, too." Adarsh smirked. Ishani sharply jerked, trying to free herself, only resulting in his grip becoming tighter. He also leaned a bit of his bodyweight on her.

"What do you want?" Ishani sighed.

"Nothing, I just came here to give you something."

"An apology?"

"A gift."

"I don't want it." Ishani turned away, turning to the side, exposing her bare neck to him. Adarsh looked down at it, gulping audibly. He closed his eyes, almost as if restraining himself.

"Ishani," he spoke, "You're making this harder for me."

"As I should be."

Adarsh sighed, sliding his hand along the hand he was holding behind her, making her drop the dagger. He wove  his fingers through hers, letting out a deep breath. He pulled her closer to him, her body flush against his.

Ishani looked up at him going through a crisis. She shook her head violently, bringing her hair over her shoulder. Her eyes flicked to Adarsh's but unlike always, she looked away. Adarsh sensed her discomfort and let go of her arm that he held over her head.

He held her face making her look at him, " What's wrong, Ishani?"

She remained quiet. Adarsh ran his thumb along her cheek, "Speak to me, please. Whatever is wrong, I'll listen to you."

His grip softened on her, becoming gentle and cautious by the second. This time, Ishani wrapped her hands around him, in a lasting embrace. Adarsh though hesitant at first, held the back of her head and her shoulders.

"The day I returned to Ashokdhar..." Ishani began, "everything turned over. My father...he was taken from his kingdom, by Ashokdhar's enemies."

"Did you find him?"

"The search team has been looking for a month and still no sign of him, living or dead." Ishani's voice broke for a second before she composed herself. She pulled away from the hug and let out a determined sigh.

"He'll be fine." She walked out of the cubicle, Adarsh following behind, "there is also a shocking revelation I've experienced." She gathered her hair up again, momentarily distracting Adarsh as she tied it in a bun.

"Oi! Pay attention." Ishani warned, glaring at him. Adarsh nodded pursing his lips.

"My king is Darsh."

"I know."

"Your friend is Maya. Who has a lover called Darsh."

"That is ridi-"

"Shh! Do not talk over me." Ishani put her finger against his lips as he nodded again, "Darsh had a lover."

"You think she is Maya?"

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