Chapter Two

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Ahsoka was beyond nervous. What if she couldn't lead them properly? What if she failed and they all died? What if they didn't trust her or believe her? She had spent so much time with the 501st that the idea of serving with other clones just weirded her out. She was going to have to learn the names, faces and personalities of hundreds of clones, but she was also going to have to gain their respect and their trust. Ahsoka had served with enough clones to know that, while you might outrank them, you weren't guaranteed their respect, you had to earn it.


"Did any of you hear when our general is going to be here?" Vy asked. Some of the clones shook their heads but most of them just ignored him. Vy sighed.

"What, are you bored Vy?" Stix teased. Vy straightened up, "As a matter-of-fact Stix... yes I am." the other clones laughed. Jank walked over and punched Stix's arm,"Ah give him a break Stix." Stix just laughed, "Not a chance Jank."

Vy sighed again but he had a smile on his lips.

Suddenly Croca stood up and yelled, "The general's coming!" Immediately all the clones scrambled into formation. Every trooper in his place. Vy, who was standing in the back, craned his neck to try and see better as did some of the other clones. Vy was surprised at what he saw. Instead, of a grand Jedi Master like the ones who sometimes visited Kamino, he saw a Togruta female who couldn't have been older than 17. She had a small lightsaber strapped to her belt and a calm and confident expression, but she was still very young. Vy wasn't the only one who noticed. Many of the clones exchanged subtle glances.

The Togruta walked up to one of the droids servicing in the hangar and asked, "Is this the 821st?" The droid beeped a reply and the Togruta thanked it before walking towards them and stopping about five or six feet from the front row.

"Hello, my name is Ahsoka Tano. I am a Jedi knight as of two days ago, but I have served in the Clone Wars for about two to three years." Many of the clones exchanged worried looks. This girl had only been a knight for two days!?!?

Ahsoka let out a small smile when she saw the clones' looks. "I know that a lot of you probably don't think I can do this, and to be honest you might be right. But I have served with clones for about three years now and I've picked up a few tricks. I know that me being your general doesn't guarantee me your respect and your trust and I will do everything I can to do so as soon as possible. You all have been training together for months maybe even years. You all have developed personalities; you have come up with your own creative names for each other. I will do everything in my power to learn the name and qualities of each and every one of you. I hope that, in time, I can earn your respect and that we can eventually get to a point of brother ship. Thank you all so much. Meet back her tomorrow at the same time and I will brief you on our assignment. You are dismissed."

All around Vy clones were taking off their helmets and branching into groups to talk about what Ahsoka had said.

As Ahsoka left Dock ran up to her and saluted, "Excuse me General, permission to speak?" Ahsoka nodded, "Of course trooper, what is it?" Dock lowered his hand, "You said that you used to serve as a Commander, if you don't mind my asking General, what legion did you serve with?" Ahsoka smiled, "I served with the 501st." Dock's mouth gaped open slightly but he quickly regained his composure. "Thank you General." As he walked away Ahsoka called out to him, "What's your name trooper?" Dock turned back and looked at her, he smiled slightly before saying, "Dock, General, my name is Dock." 

Happy May 4th everybody!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed my latest chapter. I already love all of my clones so much😊

Fanfic recommendation: Redemption @lucky_ducky_123     

I loved it so much 

May the 4th be with you 

space hugs 🤗

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