04 || The Darkness That Divides

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As Jasmine stood in the doorway of the Kan household, her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. "Taehler, what's going on?" she asked, her eyes scanning the room with a hint of urgency.

Taehler emerged from the shadows, his figure silhouetted against the dimly lit room, his eyes as icy as a winter night. His voice was flat, devoid of emotion, as he replied, "I'm doing what I should've done long ago."

Jasmine's heart quivered as she took in the sight of Taehler's backpacks, the symbol of his impending departure. The thought of Taehler leaving was suffocating her, and she felt like she was drowning in a sea of sorrow.

Desperation crept into her voice as she whispered, "Are you leaving? I still don't know your new house."

She grasped the backpack Taehler was holding, a futile attempt to anchor him, to keep him close, but it was like trying to hold onto a sandcastle as the waves crashed against it.

Taehler's fingers gently brushed against Jasmine's hair, a soft touch that belied the coldness in his eyes. "Jaz, don't be like my brother. It's not like you won't see me often."

Jasmine's voice was barely above a whisper as she replied, "I know... but everyone else started leaving. I just don't want to feel lonely."

Taehler pressed his lips against Jasmine's hair, his words spilling out like a well-rehearsed melody, but lacking the harmony of genuine emotion. "Don't be sad. We- I love you," he said.

The words were a mere hollow echo of the past, a gesture to comfort Jasmine, but one that felt like a shallow promise.

If Taehler were to be honest, he wouldn't dare utter those words in a serious conversation, for fear of tarnishing the truth with a lie.

Jasmine's face softened, a small, gentle smile spreading across her lips as she met Taehler's words with her own. "I love you, too," she whispered, her eyes sparkling with a quiet warmth, even though she was aware that Taehler couldn't feel the emotions behind the words.

In the past, Jasmine had assured Taehler that even if he couldn't feel or express the emotions anymore, their love and friendship remained genuine, a flame that burned bright and true.

The air in the room was thick with tension, akin to a stormy night with dark clouds gathering on the horizon, threatening to unleash a torrent of emotions.

Jasmine's voice quivered as she broke the silence, "Are you angry with your brother for making you live here for six months?"

Taehler's response was a monotone whisper, devoid of any warmth, his tone as flat as a vacant winter landscape, devoid of life. "No, it helped. He helped me in some ways," he said.

Jasmine's eyes flashed with a deep understanding, as if she alone could decipher the hidden code behind his words.

The room held Its collective breath, anticipation building like a slow-burning fire, the flames licking at the edges of their minds.

Then, Taehler's voice cut through the tension, a sudden, jarring note, "Do you want to see my house?" The question hung precariously, a fragile attempt to shift the focus away from the lingering, unspoken words, like a leaf clinging to its branch in a gusty wind.

Just as the silence was becoming uncomfortably thick, Skenjley's thunderous voice burst forth, shattering the stillness like a cannon blast, making Jasmine jump in surprise. "What about me?" he boomed, his words echoing off the walls as he strode confidently into the room, his presence commanding attention, his broad shoulders and imposing frame drawing all eyes to him.

LOVE OR THOUGHTS | Book 1 || The Softest Petal of a Blue RoseWhere stories live. Discover now