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As she heaved a sigh, indicating that she's tired and drained from the long walks, she found herself sitting on a bench - a log of tree that has been abandoned for hundred years now. From there, she looked up at the sky,  silently waiting and wishing for something that can suppress her from the heavy feeling that she's been carrying on for years.

And there he was, scaring her with his newly fresh haircut that describes his new aura from running around the park. He saw her lurking all alone by herself, and without a word, he immediately waltz to her as she got shocked by the man's actions.

"Why are you all alone by yourself? Don't you have friends?" He asked her. She shruged her shoulders.

"No one likes to be friends with me." She replied, her fingers slightly tapping her legs.

"Oh." He stopped himself from forming a new sentence that he might regret saying later, so he hunched back from voicing it.

"Are you--- wait, let me rephrase that, what makes you feel so curious about my life? As if you're an inspector?"

"Nah, I'm just wondering like a spectator. And no, I ain't an inspector. Those two words are so fucking different from each other." He replied nonchalantly as if they know each other for so long.

"Oh,okay. So, what brings you here?" She asked again, hoping for an immediate response from him.

"To see you."
"To see me?" She asked, brows furrowed as high as possible. He smiled and nodded in response.

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"No. I don't like anyone seeing me like a see-through dress and pretend like they didn't, although they already did. Plus, we just met." She replied coldly.

"Oh, right. I looked like a maniac right now, if I'm still seeing you like that. Like, in the wrong way possible."

And with that, he just smiled at her as he ruffled her hair softly. She got shocked at his actions. Why would a stranger like him just randomly ruffle and play with her hair like that? Is he perhaps, a psycho? A maniac?

Or probably, her gut instinct.

The man just wanted to see her one last time before he leaves.

And without a word, he disappeared right before her eyes. Leaving her all alone drowning on her own pool of thoughts.

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