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Today, i was caught being red-handed by a mutual friend of mine because i already crossed a line. He told me that i'm overstepping and was being too.. much of an intruder in their lives as a couple. 

And i can sense that he's just concerned because i totally slipped the idea that they're a couple - a romantic couple.

and i can't blame him for that. i was at fault for doing that shit. 

i'm that shit, the troublemaker, the girl that everyone thinks that i'm a fugly, stupid bitch that still hated by some, and loves to be rigged and stepped on by everybody. 

...hoping that tomorrow will be more reasonable than usual. 

or.. maybe not. 

we will never know, so let's see if i can still handle those things. 

"because she's that girl who loves to mimic and slip under the sole of her boots and just disguise as a punching bag - a punching bag in a human form." 

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