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For MJ.

She's as serene as the water that is dashing from the depths of vast seas.

The one I could only call my home.

For she was my universe, deeply enthralled to see how beautiful and dauntless she can be.

She has been simmering and stirring my head up for days, as she engulfs the world in her hands, as if she was holding up a cup filled with brewed coffee on a Saturday morning.

MJ, how beautiful it is to be loved by you endlessly, as if I embodied with lots of paper roses and petals that holds me entirely.

She already had entered my world, enough for me to engulf and cover my whole life as if she was holding on to it dearly.

She swallowed me entirely, making sure that I had already entered her as if my life depends on it.

For swallowing me whole makes me feel like being choked on by a passerby that was making me sifting on hold by her own hands.

Filthy hands all around me, aroused by my weakness and her using her grip altogether, making sure I was completely dead.

Lifeless, even.

- but don't forget to breathe, and begin again.

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