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The next morning, eve woke up with a splitting headache and felt like she couldn't get out of bed at all. So, she had decided that a small nap wouldn't hurt anyone.

This small map was soon disrupted as her two rowdy uncles burst through her bedroom door.

"Do you fucking mind, I could have been naked you know." She told the two as Arthur came and sat in bed next to her and John sat by her feet, both with boyish grins planted on their faces.

"Eve love, we've seen it all before, ain't we John boy?" Arthur laughed, patting eve on the shoulder.

"Yes but I'm your niece, if you really walked in on me naked I'm sure that we'd all be scarred for life." She told them both, pulling a pillow over her head.

"Yeah well we're only joking aren't we?" John grinned, pulling the pillow from eves head. "Plus, you aren't naked so it's ok ain't it?"

Eve stole the pillow back from John, smacking him with it and propping herself up against the bed. "Right, what is it you want?"

"Can't we spend some quality time with our favourite niece?" Arthur asked.

"Ey! I'm telling Katie you said that" John laughed, pointing at Arthur.

"Oh give over"

"Right can you tell me why you're actually here?" Eve asked, bored of their bickering as it wasn't helping with her headache.

"We've missed you while you've been gone, thought we could all spend the day together, like we used to when yer dad was away" Arthur smiled down at her, John standing up and walking around her room, inspecting all of her random bits.

Eve didn't own many things, barely any if she was being honest. She could only ever manage one small case with her and that didn't fit much in, she was in desperate need of going shopping once she got some money.

"I suppose, ey do you know where I could get a job here?" She questioned the two.

"Well your dad wants a word with you in his office at some point, you can ask him then." Arthur told her, watching John with pinched brows. "Will you bloody sit down your making me dizzy"

Eve rolled her eyes at their antics, pulling out a cigarette and deciding that after this cigarette, she would kick the two out for her to get ready.

"What are we doing today then?" She asked as John hit Arthur upside the back of his head, sitting down in his previous spot.

"We were thinking about going down to uncle Charlie's, see the horses for a bit and you can catch up with Charlie and curly, they've both missed you too, kid" John told her, tickling her feet which resulted in a kick in his chest, almost falling from the bed.

"Right, I'll meet you downstairs then." She told them both, stumping out her cigarette. They hadn't moved. "Go on then, I need to change" she told the confused pair who soon scrambled out her room, pushing each other as they went.

Once eve arrived downstairs, all of the family bar Ada were gathered around the table, either eating toast or drinking tea, chatting away with each other as johns children ran around with each other.

A girl of around 10 came storming towards eve, a confused look pasted on her face. "Who are you?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Eve had always been fond of children, not that she came across many in her time. In the nunnery, it was every man for themselves but each other older girls had a 'little sister'. Eves was a small girl called Amanda who was around 6 years old. The older girls each vowed to take the fall for the smaller girl, their little sisters were their responsibility and they were expected to look out for them. Although eve wasn't there for too long, her and Amanda grew quite close in their short amount of time together and ever since, eve wanted that relationship dynamic back.

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