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Eves trip back to Birmingham had not been anywhere near as easy as she would have thought. At the first train station she was caught by the station master and was labelled a run away. As she hasn't told anyone her real name and the church couldn't find any parents looking for a lost daughter called Adeline Maltbie, she was sent to a nunnery in Berlin.

Debora's Nunnery For Troubled Girls had shattered Evangeline's soul entirely. Whatever was left of the girl had been striped raw and forced to endure 6 months of agonising work and pain. The abuse at the nunnery was worse then amber and Marcus's by tenfolds. Evangeline was stationed to one portion of the sad excuse of food per day. The sisters would force the girls into torturous tasks and the preachers had free range of the girls to use however they pleased. At points, she found herself begging to go back in time and not kill Amber and Marcus, wishing that she could go back to them as there pain was nothing compared to this. The six months at the nunnery was the worst months of her entire life, but she left the place stronger then she had entered. Or at least stronger and much more numb than before.

She had managed to escape after one of the fathers had taken her to the lake, for a private evening. That night she had taken her third life, but this time in a much more animalistic manner due to the lack of tools she had at hand. She managed to climb the fence, someone had tried to drag her back but a kick to their face had them letting go.

Since Evangeline had been stripped of all of her belongings as well as her soul, she had come to the conclusion that she would have to burrow down In Berlin for a while, which is what she did. She found a small shack that once stalled horses and had cleaned the place up. After successfully stealing a change of clothes, blankets and a loaf of bread, she had set out to find a job.

Eve spent three months in the small shack, working for a tailor and making fancy dresses for rich women. She had managed to save enough money to get back to England, but wasn't sure how far she would get.

Eve spent months travelling from here and there, her entire 17th birthday was spent on a boat from Scotland to France. She was convinced that finding Marie would fix her problems, but she had died. Eve had spent hours at her grave, ranting about how she couldn't manage to get to Birmingham until she had gathered herself up, and found somewhere to stay.

Eve walked through the streets of belfort, a small bag lugged over her shoulder. Her hair was slightly matted in an up do on her head, her clothes seemingly less dirty then they probably were. She had managed to steal materials from her job in Berlin and make herself enough clothes to keep her going, having either brought or stolen her essential items. The war had just finished, meaning the men were back at home and work, also meaning that the streets were much more dangerous then they had been before.

Evangeline was yet to find somewhere to stay, she had been walking around the city for most of her night, finding a tree to sleep under when she grew to exhausted to continue.

She had been to almost every shop she had saw, asking if anywhere was in need of staff, trying her very hardest to remember her French but coming up short.

Eventually, Evangeline came across and old Woden barn, it's paint was chipping and there was only one horse visible in the stables. Next to the barn stood a cracking brick building with a large white signs saying "Katherine's cafe". Deciding to take one last chance for the evening, eve pushed open the rickety door, hearing the bell ding above her head.

"We're closed!" An older women's voice bellowed out from somewhere through the cafe.

"Oh, there wasn't a sign. I'm just wondering if you've got any jobs going?" She asked as a women entered the room.

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