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Eve was now stranded in Dover, not entirely sure what her next move was. It was around 5pm and she knew there would still be some trains running so she decided to make her way over to the nearest train station, asking passer-by's directions.

She had managed to catch a late night train to london. Eve knew that when in London, she could get almost anywhere on the train, but due to interference with the tracks, the train to Birmingham wasn't running for at least a few days.

Eve was at a loss for what to do, she didn't have to money for accommodation as well as transport. She barely had enough money for food. she sat on a small bench, her eyes searching through the crowded station in hopes something would give her an idea of what to do. as she was about to give up, something caught her eye. a shine from the light, bouncing off of the rim on a peaked cap. eve knew exactly what this was, she'd seen it numerous times before. it was the badge of a peaky blinder, a small gang in birmingham, a small gang that her family ran.

she instantly jumped from her seat, rushing over to the man. he was around 18 years old, tall with broad shoulders and dark skin. "excuse me!" she almost shouted breathlessly after catching up to the man.

he turned around, his eyebrows scrunching together as he looked over the girl whos was attempting to catch her breathe infront of him. "can i help you, darling?" he asked the girl who had somewhat stabled herself.

"your hat," she began, peaking his intressed in the conversation. "your a peaky blinder, right?" she asked him, to whch he raised his eyebrows.

"and what does a lady like yourself know about the peaky blinders, ay?" he asked her, tilting his head to one side.

"a lot more then id like to admit. so, are you or arent you?" she pushed, desparate for the man to say yes and to help her. she had convinced herself that this time she was going to go straight to small heath, but clearly the universe once again had other ideas.

"alright then, yeah i am. why do you want to know?" his voice had a thick accent, she was wishing on her lucky stars that he lived in small heath.

"oh thank god! do you live in small heath?" she asked him, her arm beginging to ache from lugging around her bag all day.

"look, love wh-" "i know, im asking way to many questions but im in desperate need to get to small heath, i only have money to get there and the trains bloody broken or something. please, do you live in small heath or not?" she interupted the man.

the girl infront of him was clearly destressed, but he was in two minds to help her. he'd never once seen her around Birmingham let alone small heath and she knew a suspicious amount about the peaky blinders for just a regular woman in London. it was suspicious, but from the look in her eyes she seemed genuine.

"fine. yes, i live in small heath. ill help you but we will be here for a bit, alright?" he said to her. eves eyes lit up and she smiled up at the man. she was finally going home. after all of her pain and heartbreak, she was finally going to get home.

"right come on we'll go and get some food while we wait for the car." he told her, walking in the direction of the exit.

"car? why was you in the train station if your getting a car there?" she questioned as she followed behind him.

"because the trains broken and ive got jobs to do back at home, divvy." he replyed, looking over his shoulder and smirking at her.

evangeline rolled her eyes at the boys sarcasm, somehow his annoyingness hadn't annoyed her either. she was questioning whether something had changed and she could finally stand other people, but then a drunk man walked into her she soon realised that it hadn't. she pushed him off and he slurred out a string of swears at her, causing the blinder man to give him a death stare, the drunk man walked away like a puppy with his tail between his legs.

"go on then, what your name?" the man asked her as they made it to a pub. the man got glares from people, presumably because of his skin colour, but once they saw the small razors stiched into his cap they soon backed down.

evangeline debated telling him her real name. he would be the first person to know her real name since she left home, but she would be around him quite a lot if all went well and lying probably wouldnt help her in this situation.

"you can call me scarlett for now." she told him, he raised is eyebrows at that.

"right, and why wont you tell me your real name?" he questioned her.

"just can't, ask me again after we reach small heath and i'll tell you my real name." she told him.

he had a questioning look on his face. he wanted to challange the girl as nothing she said was adding up, but his gut was telling him not to. "right, well my names Isaiah, nice to meet you, scarlett."

eve lit a ciggarette up, leaning back in her seat and taking a small sip of her whiskey, deciding to push her luck or not. "correct me if i wrong, but you work for the shelbys, yes?" she knew it was a gamble and that she sounded incredibly suspicious right now, but she couldn't not question things.

"why does that matter?" isaiah questioned the girl. everything was screaming not to trust her, but something had made him feel like he could.

eve shook her head, stumping out her ciggarette and instantly lighting a new one, something she did when she was stressed. " because they are the ones im going to see." she told him, knowing he would question it more than anything else she had said ll evening, but he didnt. he just sat there, watching over the girl who felt small under his hard glare, she wouldn't even blame him if he left her here in London because she knew if the roles were reversed, she wouldn't trust him with an inch of her life after some of the things she had said.

I hate this chapter, but thank you so much for 700 hundred reads !

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