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Eve and Isaiah had been travelling for quite some time now, neither of them really knowing what to say to the other for the first half of their journey. By the second half, they was chatting away about simple things, eve couldn't tell him much in fear that he would tell her family before she could, she wasn't stupid and new that the Shelby's would have been informed about the mysterious woman from london's arrival long ago.

"What are they like, the Shelby's?" She decided that sprinkling the question into the conversation wouldn't hurt too much.

"And why is it that miss scarlett wants to know so much about the peaky blinders, ey?" He asked her, emphasising the name she had given.

"You'll know soon enough, won't you?" She smiled at him, he was convinced that she was a rat, but his gut was telling him to continue, that and Thomas's order of escorting her to Birmingham.

"Right well sooner rather than later since we're here." He told the girl as they pulled up in a murky street that Evangeline was all to familiar with, yet somehow not at all.

Fire flashed out of the sides of buildings, people wondering all throughout the streets while trying to round up the rowdy children that ran rings around their parents, but as soon as the car pulled up, they had all seemed to scatter away in a flash.

"Before you run off, the Shelby's have called a family meeting. Was told to bring you so they could see who this mysterious scarlett is that's asking all the questions." He told her, lighting a cigarette and offering one to the girl, which she took.

Evangeline was almost shaking, but had somehow managed to calm herself slightly. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears, growing increasingly faster at the thought of finally going back. She had dreamed of this moment, prayed for it even if whatever god she was praying to had done her nothing but harm through her years.

Isaiah had pressured the girl into going faster, which she took no notice of. She had finished her first cigarette and quickly moved onto her second as she walked through a home that brought her so much nostalgia. A wave of warmth hit her, not physical warms but emotionally. She had been fighting for almost 11 years to get back to this house, this town, these people, but now that she was here she was terrified.

"Come on, through these doors and they'll all be there. It's better if you don't keep them waiting" He said, smirking at the girl.

Isaiah pussed open a pair of green doors that led to an eerily quiet betting shop. There was a large table in the middle and every single one of her family members eyes darted towards her, each scanning the girl with either anger, confusion or nothingness swimming in their eyes, each making sure not to miss a single movement the woman made. Surrounding the table stood men who were all adorned by a peaked cap, bar a few. She had recognised some of them, one being her uncle though she couldn't remember his name.

"Right, Isaiah here tells me that your name is scarlett, but that's not the truth is it, love?" A man began, long greasy hair that had parted through the middle, a thin moustache covering his top lip.

Eve took a drag of her cigarette, her eyes running over every familiar face once again before she spoke.

"I told him from the start, after I had done what I needed to do he would know my real name." She told him as she walked towards the table, her heeled boots clicking on the hardwood flooring. She placed her cigarette in the glass ash tray before taking her previous spot, standing infront of everyone as if she was being interrogated.

"Right, and what buisness is that?" A younger man spat, his face slightly scrunching up and a tooth pick hanging from his lips.

Evangeline smiled at this, "not going to offer me a drink?" She asked, a bald man that she had recognised rushing to fill up a glass of whiskey.

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