- Chapter 71 -

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Grace's POV.

"So?" Sirius startled me. Coming up behind me at some point between first and second period. In a random hallway that I was walking autopilot down. He placed both of his hands on my shoulders, before pulling me into a hug still from behind as he rocked us back and force gently.

"Huh?" I said feeling slow in both my body and brain.

I didn't sleep again once I had woken up. No returning back to my bed to get a few more hours in and not entirely resting either even though all I did was sat.

Regulus left me feeling angry and more tired than before.

Mudblood wasn't exactly a light name to be called. Not one to put a smile on your face and one I was hearing all too frequently at the moment...I just didn't expect it from him, even though he said it on behalf of his family and here was his brother starting to kiss the top of my head.

I turned my body around in Sirius' arms, leaning into a proper hug and sighing with relief. For a second he felt like the perfect pillow. Cold from the January air, he must have had herbology. Firm but still soft. It would be nice for a pillow to hug you back, also.

"Hey," he mumbled softly.
"What's wrong?" He asked, picking my face up by my chin with his thumb and pointing finger.

I couldn't help but conceal my tiredness. I had wanted to storm into this year and this term with a fire no one had ever seen before. I just didn't realise how difficult it would be to keep it going.

I shot off some sparks but ... had I really started a fire? I didn't feel as if I were burning brightly. Just burning out.

"Just one of those days." I said vaguely.

He slowly nodded as if he were thinking to himself and then he hummed.

"What do you like to do when it's one of those days?" He asked.

I huffed childishly and if it wasn't for my arms being around his waist, they'd be crossed in a tantrum-like manner.

"I like going to the black lake, usually. But it's way too cold for what I want to do. I want to swim, it feels like ages since I've swam. Summer can't come quick enough." I huffed.

I glanced outside. It was also chucking it down. Raining so heavily that another lake could form if it continues (albeit tiny in comparison to the one I wanted). So, I couldn't even go for a wander around the outskirts like I had done all winter. I didn't have it in me.

Sirius smirked and at first I thought he was going to tease me, as if he wasn't expecting such a candid and truthful answer.

"Come with me." He said and he had a little glint in his eye.

"Sirius I have magical history next."

"Skip." He said with wild and playful eyes that rolled at me and my rigidity, as if it were the most simple answer.

FALLEN FROM GRACE ⍋ Regulus & Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now