Chapter XVI

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"El sin nombre told us the third missile was smuggled into the United States through the port of Chicago"

"Hassan and his AQ soldier with it"

"We don't know exactly where the missile is or where it's headed."

"We do know that Hassan was taken to a building in downtown Chicago owned by a shell company of the las almas cartel."

"Police are on the ground cordoning off streets around the building."

"They're on the lookout for a stolen container full of weapons. They do not know we're dealing with a missile. We believe hassan is holed up in fortified server room on the 54th floor of this building. I will be on the ground working to locate the missile"

"I'll infil with the Marines on the Chicago river and move in on the ground level."

"I'll heli up to an op across from the objective for armed overwatch."

"We'll touch two helios down on the roof of the target building. One with a troop of marines, the other with me, soap, and shera"

"While gaz and the Marines push up the building- Price, Soap, Shera will work their way down, with soap and shera repelling to the server floor, pinching hassan in the middle. Our primary mission is to locate and stop the missile. But you have excute authority to kill Hassan."

"Happy hunting, dear" the call ends there.

"Watcher-1 to bravo-6 actual. The perimeter is secure. We have ta possible hit on the missile container. We're moving in now"

"Solid copy, all bravo, move to set, we're on"

"0-5 copies all."

"Bravo 6-2 is twenty seconds from the target building. Intel reports multiple AQ inside."

"Ghost, get to your overwatch."

"Rog, on the move"

"Floor 56 is our primary objective. It's well fortified with limited access. Hassan may be holed up there."

"Copy, let's nail this bastard once and for all, sir". The three of them land ontop of the building.


"Lifter 1-1, team deployed. Moving outbound."

"Bravo-6, moving to hook point." price said, the three of them walking from the heli.

"Copy. 5 is set at the ground floor"

"Soap, hook up". Soap hooks himself to the rappel.

"Ghost, we're set. You have eyes on?"

"A-firm. Flashing now."

"Copy visual, LT. what've you got?"



"Ah, he's a terrorist, what else we expected?" Shera said

"Not much different" price responded.

"Hassan's buyin' time."

"To do something big, catch our attention, hopefully for the last." Shera said.

"You lads clear all threats. Bravo-3 secures the hostages. RV on the target floor"

"Reposition if you need. Two x-rays below. You're clear to engage. You're more visible to enemies this way"

"Copy that"

"Secure the hostages, Soap." Soap does something that isn't as clear to Shera.

"Clear. Bravo-3, five-five secure" The guys on the ground make they're way through. Soap slowly takes out the enemies in the building making it easier for us.

"We're clear."

"Soap, sit-rep?"

"One to go"

"Copy, in position on the target deck." a bit later an entry point is made by a charge.

"Soap, get yer ass here. Watcher-1, we're on the target floor. What's your status?" But before she could answer they rumbling.

"Laswell, what the hell was that?"

"John, the missile is active, it's in first stage. Be advised- controls are not in the container."

"That means Hassan has them"

"That means the slower we get to Hassan, the faster millions of people died, and the united states are in chaos. And thats how libatry dies." Shera said with a small smile.

"We're pushing into the target area now. Out"

"We need those controls"

"Let's hope Hassan's here"

"Prayer and hopes, boys" they walk through the a door into what seems like a control room.

"Negative on Hassan"
"Why's Hassan using the server room?"

"Most secure place in the building."

"Clearly not, if the front door is just open" Shera stated.

"Move up."

"We need to clear the next room for Hassan" they go to the next room, and then the next. Each one no Hassan. Until,

"A-firm. Possible visual. Forty-sixth floor"

"Copy, we're moving"

"See, price, ego" they move in.

A couple minutes, the three of them, into stairwell. Everything seems calm until Laswell says.

"All stations, missile is hot! I say again, the missile is lauching!" they run out to the window, hearing and feeling the power of it's lauch.

"No, no, no-!"
"Oh no" shera said quietly.

"Fuckin' hell"

"Watcher, where's the target"

"unknown . we're working on it"

"Copy. we're going for Hassan!" the three of them run away, heading for Hassan.

"Gaz-. Where's Hassan?!"

"End of the hall, Hassan's held up behind those doors" they start to run for the door, facing a lot of enemy force. They follow Gaz, who is letting them to the doors.

"I'll snake a camera in there." Before they can see Hassan, they are hit. Everyone near the door is thrown back, so is Shera but she isn't as badly hurt like the others. Shera notices price badly injured, asking him if he's broken.

"I'm good. Go, you got this"

"I'll stay back" Shera said. She stayed back, watching to clear and helping the injured. After a long dreaded few minutes.

"All stations- Hassan's down. Enemy KIA" Shera felt a relief run through her body.

A few hours later, she is getting ready to leave chicago.

"Leaving us so soon"

"Yes, sergeant" Shera said, repiling to soap.

"I have my people and Iran to deal with" She continued.

"It was good working with you, Shera"

"You have earn that respect, Soap" She said, the two shook hands.

"Till the next time, Your majesty" Soap said, walking away. Shera got on her plane and it flow off.

881 words

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