Chapter XIII

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(A flashback finally)
Two months ago
(the Italic is past person talking and used for explaining the mission over comms, i don't know what it is called but you guys know what i mean. Also recording)
I uncovered redacted intel regarding a black bag operation. Conducted by General Shepherd and carried out by Shadow company. They were transacting American made ballistic missiles to our allies fighting Russians in the Middle East. The mission did not go as planned...
"What are we carrying this time, Graves?"
"If I told ya, i'd have to kill ya..."
"I bet he'd do it, too"
"This nothin' but a milk run, boys. Guns for the good guys-- You'll be back at HQ for breakfast. Don't shit the bed and there'll be bonuses all around. Find me when you're back..."
"Yep, yep"
"Yep, yep"
"Yep, yep"
"Shepherd waitin' for a stirep, don't leave him hangin'. Out"
"Three containers..."
"That's a lotta fuckin' milk"
"Thirsty friends..."
"Shadow-2 to Gold Eagle Actual."
"Send traffic, 2."
"Three shadow victors exiting highway 7-zulu, no issues, actual."
"Copy, get that cargo delivered on time... do not fail... Eagle out"
"Do not fail...? Told you this shit was important."
"What's this?"
"3, this is Erikson, whats up?"
"Got a vehicle in the road."
"Stand by, comin' to you. Is it one of her men?"
"Graves, Vance- be advised- we're held up, sortin' it out now. Luckily it's not one of the empress's men."
"Handle it-- Keep the line movin'."
"Roger that"

Reconnaissance said the route was clear of enemy activity. The reports were wrong. The shipment was spotted before it arrived at its destination.

"Yalla, yalla, you gotta move... sir you need to move... yataharak. Ya-yataharak."
"I don't like this."
"His arabic is atrocious"
"Min fablik, min fadlik"
"Dipaolo- lean out and cover him."
"We need a 'terp out here, what's the call, sir...?"
"Vance, dipaolo, go help him out."
"3-1 is down!!"
"Light 'em up dipaolo"
"Who the fuck are these guys?!"
"Not Al Qatala!"
"Back up, back up!!"
"All stations-- Troops in contact! Taking effective fire. Multiple casualties!!"
"Contact-- rear!"
"Eliminate that threat, shadows!"
"This is Gold Eagle Actual. DO NOT LOSE THAT CARGO!!"
"Eyes high, watch those buildings!"
"On the roof!"
"We gotta move!! Let's go!!"
"We're surrounded"
"They're everywhere!!"
"Who the fuck are they?!"
"Actual, requesting QRF...!"
"Negative- we fight with the guns we have."
"General, they need help."
"You are my help! Now fix this!"
"These guys are Russian PMCs!!"
"The fuck are they doin' out here...?"
"All stations- we got russian PMCs out here."
"Repeat Russian?"
"Enemy troop is russian."
"Goddamnit Graves-!! You said the route was clear."
"There's too many!"
"Graves, we need reinforcements"
"Actual, my boys are gettin stitched up, they need air support."
"We can't do that graves and you know it"
"Fuck-- Get down!!"
"All shadows- report... any station this net, this is shadow actual-what is your status?"
"Erikson, its graves, whats your location...? Fuuuck... vance, dipaolo, do you copy...?"
"Double-tap them. They might be playing dead"
"Yes sir"
"Sercuity rounds- don't leave anyone out."
"General, I need an armed bird up now for visual- my men are introuble, sir..."
"3 containers, captain. American ballistic missiles."
"I want this situation contained. Thats means this operation will not-be-reported."
"General my men are taking fire from Russian PMCs-- This situation is not yet under control-- "
"They've got the radio"

The Russians executed the entire squad and got a hold of Shadow's comms. They learned shepherd was behind it. They gave the missiles to Hassan. Shepherd's intentions were good, but the shipments were illegal and off the books. He and Graves buried it. The cover-up is always worse than the crime. We were getting too close and they weren't gonna let that happen. Three missiles were stolen. We've only found two. Hassan's got one more- we need to find it...

2 weeks afterward, Northwest China
"Believe me, now?" Yuji asked.
"I do, those recordings..." Shera answers, feeling a sense of different emotions in her.
"This is the only one left, the others are redacted" Yuji added.
"Well, They did exactly what powerful American men do" Shera said
"And that is?"
"Cover it up and throw money at people" The two look at each other.
"Markov," The two say at the same time.
"This has his name all over it. I swear that man will never rest" Shera says, leaning into her chair.
"Then what will we do, we can threaten them with this inform-"
"No, we get a foot hold in that war, take control, show our power" Shera stands up.
"And this is why i serve you, Empress"
"You should be know by now... Luzarians play the long game, and the rest of the world plays the short game"
"And that makes us superior?" She walks closer to him.
"It does, we think only of the future" She walk past him to the door, before she exits she says.
"Right now, secure our border, we must protect our soil. If you can, search for the missile, but they could be somewhere else right now."
"Yes, ma'am" He repliced, watching her and two guards leave. As she walking, a person walks up to her.
"A person is walking for you, ma'am" She follows that person to meet this person. When she walks in, she is greeted by a person.
"Ma'am, how nice it is to see you" He says grabbing her hand.
"Yuri, i didn't expected you" She replicas, smiling at him.
"I must ask, why are you here now." Shera asked
"I think you heard, the missiles."
"Right, you stole"
"I didn't, markov ordered it"
"Of course he did" the two sit down.
"Markov send them the Hassan, im sorry but they could be anywhere. But we have no leads"
"Then we search"
"None are in Luzar, I'm sorry"
"I told you to contain Markov. That was an order"
"I know, and i failed"
"Well, find their location, and maybe you will be in my good graces again" Shera press a button and Yuri is escorted out. She walks out and mets with Yuji.
"Did the plan change"
"Yes, in fact we are no longer searching for them. And we'll fame clueless when anyone brings it up. We will play into the idiot stereotype the world has given us"
"Got it"
(925 words)
Language: Russian

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