Chapter VII

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(my comment system is not working, so to another, the person comments. Shera and her dragon is similar to Dany and her dragon. This is also cod x fantasy so if it doesn't make sense, good)

The six of them walk Valeria into a small room.

"Have a seat" And Valeria sits down.

"Alright. How do you two know each other?"

"Know is a strong word."

"Strong words are important. Our word is our worth, right?"

"Go to hell you fucking sonuvabitch-- I'm going to kill you"

(I can just say I love the cod Son of a bitch, like they made it one word and misspelled "of")

Alejandro walks up to her, with Rodolfo and soap stopping him. Something bad happened between them.


"Calm down, commander."

"Yeah!? Yeah!?"
"Go on, tell them"

"I don't take orders anymore. Even the dogs in Las Almas know not to bark at me."

"Look at this-. She's ex-military. We served together."

"Different squads, same unit."

"You were the wild ones, huh... "los vaqueros..."

"My squad was clean cut señores y señoras..."

"Until the raid on the son of La Araña. do you remember?"

"I remember perfectly"

"Her team was told to cordon off the city to keep La Araña's enforcers and prevent the bloodshed."

"That's exactly what we did."

"Well, you kept out his enforcers, because you were his enforcers, huh?"

"He was escorted to the mountains without incident."
"Also to prevent bloodshed."

"He was supposed to go to prison."

"So you killed him and you took over"

(I want this off my chest, Grave gives me pedo vibes, I'm sorry but every time he touches or talks to women, I feel like I need to put him on a certain list)

"I created a power vacuum... and I filled it."

"I'm pretty sure that's the definition of taking over, but suit yourself," Shera says.

"Are you condemning me for my action? The same ones your doing" Valeria asked.

"Condemning? At least I don't hide my intentions behind a kindness screen" Shera answers.

"My point still stands," Valeria says.

"No, your point doesn't. What I'm trying to say is that at least I'm honest with my intentions" Shera says.

"Do you guys have history?" Graves asked. Both Shera and Valeria look at him.

"I know you support me," Valeria say.

"I think you meant the other way around, don't forget what you said to me," Shera says back.

"Las Almas needs me"

"Las Almas need soldiers, not sicarios"

"And you" Alejandro bends down to be in front of her face.

"You disgrace the army."

"And your brothers, no?"

"Why're you doin' this?" Valeria turns around to him.

"You tell me... you're the contractor, no"

"What you don't do your competitors will." Shera looks at the graves.

"She is not wrong, if you want the best, you have to be prepared to do the worse"

"You're a narco, harboring a terrorist," Ghost says, Shera completely forgetting he existed.

"Terrorism is good for business. It's insurance."

"What the fuck does that mean?"
"Can you get your fucking head out of your ass for a second? For fuck's sake, Alejandro"

(I need her to yell at me like that)

"As long as there is a war on terror, there will be no real war on drugs"

"To find your so-called terrorist and your missiles, you need me. To prevent bloodshed."

"No. I'm not doing this..."

"Doesn't change anything"

"It changes everything!"


"Don't make a deal with her... it won't end well" Alejandro walks out of the room.

(and then they processed to make a deal)

"Look like it's your truth, to tell the truth"

Graves bends down by her ear.

"I want the missiles, I want the target and I want Hassan. And you've got 10 seconds or I'm gonna show you the difference between the military and me."

"I don't know the target. I'm a courier. I move things"

"I can tell where to find the missile. When you return, I'll tell you where Hassan is, In exchange, you will let me go. And get the fuck out of las almas. Now leave-"

All 5 of them thought about the deal for a second.


"Until then... you're stayin' right here." they walked out of the room.


"Coordinates obtained through interrogation confirm an oil rig, 400 nautical miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico."

"The rig is no longer active and is currently used by the cartel as a smuggling dead drop."

"A cargo ship is anchored 500 meters to its northwest".

"Surveillance saw personnel moving a large container from the ship to the rig"

"That container is now on top of the platform. We believe this is the missile."

"TF 141, Colonel Vargas, Shera, and shadow company will infil three boat teams for a simultaneous takedown of both targets"

"Ghost will lead the ship assault team. Graves, Soap, Alejandro, and Shera will engage the oil rig and disarm the missile"

"All shooters will give no quarter. Your orders are to eliminate all threats"

Gulf of Mexico

Graves, Soap, Shera, and Alejandro are all on one boat together. Shera had a big pit feeling in her stomach that a betrayal was going to happen but pushed her thought aside. She would come to regret this later

"Eyes on the rig..."

"All right! That's our target, shadow 1 and 2 - push to your hook points. Let's invite ourselves in."

"All stations, the ship is visual"

"Copy, prep for assault. Stay on comms"

"If Valeria told the truth, we board, clear, disarm that missile"

"And if she's lying?"

"Ha. God help her."

"God help us all."

"Be ready for anything, this could be a trap..."

They arrive at the bottom of the rig.

"Actual, we're set."

"Copy, get to work..."

They hook a rope to the rig.

"Good hook. Up and at them" they all use the rope to head up to the rig.

"All shadows, the missile is on this platform. I want full containment"

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