Chapter IV

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"Shadow-1! Positive ID on Hassan! He's moving upstair! Graves, he's exiting the second floor! North-west side!"

"He ran inside!"

"Get down!"

"Get down! Now!"

"Who the fuck are you?" Hassan asks, They get him captured.

"Mexican Special Forces, you're coming with us"

"No one here to save you, Hassan" Shera says

"Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7, jackpot. I say again, jackpot. Target is secure"

"0-7, solid copy. What's the status of your exfil?"

"This is Victor 1-1, exfil is two minutes out!"

Two minutes later.

They come out running with Hassan in toe. Iazan makes his way to his rider and lowers down allow her to get on him.

"Come on! Come on!"

"I am a Quds Force major! You have no right-!"

"Shut the fuck up."

"You will pay dearly for this!"

"Right on time brother."

"Wasn't going to leave your ass behind."

"Exfil is through Olmeda."

"We might hit resistance..."

"We have close air and Shera. We can make it."

"We're good!"


"Shadow-1, package secure, we're RTB."

At night.

Soap and Alejandro drag Hassan out.

"On your knees."

"Y'all got a clear picture?"

"Crystal" Shepard said.

"All set," Laswell added.

"Alright, we are live, folks."

"Do you speak Arabic?"




"Yes," shera says and everyone looks at her.

"I have learned about 15 languages throughout my life". She says again. Graves moves away, slightly annoyed by giving her the reigns.

"Don't let this get to your ego, Graves"

"This is the second time we are talking Hassan, I expected it to go as well as it did the first time"

"It a hope"

"You got the missile from the Konni group, didn't you"

"I did"

"They are an ally?"

"They have been an ally for AQ this whole time"

"I promise you no harm if you answer my question"

"Only on that condition, I will agree"

"Where is the missile going"

"I'm not telling you that, Tyrant" Iazan roars angrily at Hassan's comment. Hassan looks at Shera with a shocked expression.

"You promise me no harm".

"You know my dragons have made their promise on you"

"What's your target, "Major"?" Graves interjects.

"What was your target when they sent missiles to my land?"

"Oh well, wild guess... To nail your ass."

"So insolent and foul-mouthed. You will learn to respect me when your nation sees fire."

"Is that a race?" Shera says.

"You are in bed with the cartel, Hassan. If you disappeared, no one would know where to look for the fuckin' stain."

"I have no doubt you'll take pleasure in torturing me."
"Who'd you get American missiles from"

"I don't care who they're from, I wanna know where they're going."

"Konni group, a Russian ultranationalist group. Ally of AQ" Shera says.

"To answer your question, soap"

"How do you know that"

"I think I know what the fuck goes on in my own empire, Graves" Shera said to him, with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Animal noises can be heard around them.

"Take a look around, Hassan."

"Now you can either become part of the food chain or you can start talking."

"I'm a hostage here. This is illegal."

"You're a prisoner of war"

"Luzar Empire is not at war with Mexico. I've broken no laws" Shera looks at Hassan when he refers to his country as being part

"These men and their commanders are the lawbreakers."

"You and your beloved General Ghorbrani broke every–"


"You executed him and you will pay for your crimes..."

"Only god can help you now..."

"Like he would help you or any of us for that matter" Shera says.

"I want this bastard in permanent custody or looking up at the goddamn grass..."

"General, killing Hassan is an act of war, keeping him is illegal. Right now, he is too hot to hold"

"Tell me you're getting actionable, Laswell"

"Working on it. Stand by."

"Actual, let me finish this."

"There is nothing I would like more"

"But Laswell's right. Without proof, we need to turn him loose. See where he leads us"

"He's right here. You can't be serious"

"I'm afraid I am, son."

"Can't you challenge the General?" Graves asked Shera.

"Look at this way, Graves. Hassan is one of my people if you keep him any longer. I have every right to launch a war on Mexico. I Can challenge Shepard but I wouldn't, Right now we are playing with nuclear bombs, if we make one wrong move everything we worked for can and will be gone." Shera says in a serious tone.

"Her majesty is right, Graves"

"Her majesty? Have I earned your respect General?" Shera asked.

"With your intelligence, power, and respect, Your empire can last for centuries" Shera chuckled.

"Did we get anything from his phone?"

"Affirmative. We got a hit."

"Good. Now take him back and let him go." Alejandro puts the sack over his head and walks away. Everyone leaves and Soap closes the laptop.

742 words

Language: Spanish, Farsi, Arabic (this is so you guys know which language is being used)

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