History Before the Dance of the Dragons

Start from the beginning

Princess Daenerys would later say, "She could have calmed Aemon by comparing herself to the Conqueror, more placate than calm, but our dear intelligent sister chose the one comparison that Aemon was often compared to, that he would level an entire city for hearing but once. And they call her the smart one."

Princess Viserra was noted saying. "At least even the perfect fuck up on a royal scale once every blue moon. But truly she fucked up so badly that Aemon nearly burnt down the Houses of the squires themselves. Would have been a terrible thing in truth."

Princess Aerea laughed and scoffed, stating, "At least I'm not the only fuck up. But Saera was stupid for comparing herself to the worst Targaryen king to have ever been, and hopefully, to ever be."

Princess Maegelle, made a hand motion to the seven and asked for their blessings. "May the gods have mercy on her for her words and her actions."

Over the next year, it was clear to all that while the capital of the continent may have been King's Landing and the Red Keep and the supposed leader of the continent, it was Summertown and Summerhall that truly was the center of the realm. Something that happened far too quickly to cull. King Viserys was far too trusting and generous to his nephew, and Prince Aemon was both the most powerful man with the oldest largest dragon at his beck and call, with six other dragons alongside. The financial center of the continent was now in Summertown. The Summer Sept and the Citadel of Summetown, removed all power from the House Hightower in regards to the faith and the maesters, now the only strength they had was the position of being one of the five most wealthy families in the kingdoms, which in itself still made them a threat to all save for the House of the Dragon.

In the following years, between 110 AC and 112 AC, Aemon Targaryen switched attention from creating his projects to maintaining them and ensuring everything ran smoothly. The High Septon spent more in the Summer Sept rather than the Starry Sept, further legitimizing the Setp in Summertown. Aemon maintained the Summer Canal by scheduling dragons to secure the canal and the other portions of the land. The actors played great plays in the Amphitheater. Knights and warriors fought in the Colosseum. The common folk were filled with enjoyment and full bellies. The coin of the kingdoms was secured and ensured, allowing the Seven Kingdoms to pay back most debts, and with the Dragoncaves, Aemon personally paid off the remaining debt for the Ironbank.

No man in the realm would dare question Aemon Targaryen. Aemon ruled behind the scenes. A boy no older than fourteen years of age ruled behind the scenes in support of his uncle, and the same boy had the dragons, reputation, and strength to support him. No man in the realm would dare question the Night King, for they knew that a Targaryen had paid their debts.

In the year 112 AC, King Viserys announced to the realm and invited Prince Aemon to the Red Keep. For the first time since the Greyjoy Rebellion, Prince Aemon would return for a tourney to celebrate the crown's strength and the fact that Queen Aemma was with the child once more—the Heir's tourney.

Author's Note: It is time for the true Dance of the Dragons, or at least the first season of House of Dragon, to begin. The next few chapters will take place right before the Heir's Tourney to give a bit more insight into Aemon's life as Prince of Summerhall, and to flesh out his aunts a bit more. While they are true characters in A Song of Ice and Fire, they are essentially little blips in King Jaehaerys' own story and I have to make them into characters off of overall descriptions. I am going to be using a bit more of Rhaenyra's perspective to compensate for the fact that tactically she is the main character. Until the Greens become prominent, the perspectives will mostly be Rhaenyra, Aemon, or his aunts. There will be changes to the storyline due to Aemon existing because of the power Summerhall currently has. I will say this clearly, Aemon is not ending up with Rhaenyra or Laena because I feel as though that would empower the Blacks way too much due to Aemon taking away part of the power the Hightowers, the Greens, had off the rip, and Aemon having seven dragons and having a far superior version of Balerion that could almost one shot Vhagar, which is the Green's main trump card.

Aemon will essentially be to the realm, this era's Tywin Lannister, and his House similar to the Tyrells. The idea is from Baelish that Twyin rules the realm due to wealth, but the counter from Ned Stark is that if that was true why is Robert Baratheon King instead of Tywin Lannister? Both the Greens and Blacks know Aemon is a powerful alley and has been becoming powerful for years, even before the factions were made, and like the Tyrells, those who gain him essentially have all the chips to win the war, if Aemon decides to join forces with any one of them. The Targaryens of Summerhall may either support the Greens or Blacks, almost securing their rise or becoming their own faction, making the Dance of Dragons a three-way conflict, reminiscent of the War of Five Kings. If that is the case, I have yet to decide, I am open to suggestions as to what the new faction will be named, we have the Greens, and the Blacks, and I have no idea what Aemon's faction would be. And now my dear readers, Fire and Blood will reign.

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