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I was on my brother's back as my mom was on my dad's back. They were carrying us. My mom was screaming in fright I was lowkey having fun.

We got into the city falling and my mom and I were holding our side.

Nat-I really hope this makes us even. Now go be a hero. And watch over our son.

I smiled as Bruno came over to me.

Bru-Me happy see sister!

N-im happy to see you too now go.

I smiled and they left and I ran in the other direction with my mom.

As we are running, I groaned stopping.

Nat-what is it?

N-we arent going to make it at this rate.

I went into my hulk form and I looked at my mom.


N-come on mom. Get on so we can go.

Nat-oh my goodness, okay.

She got on my back and I jumped high and off things getting us into battle quicker.

I jumped down right into battle and I grabbed two of them ripping them apart as my mom grabbed her weapons tearing them apart as well.

I heard Steve and Stephanie coming behind us. Steve called out to my mom and she ducked thanking him.

We were all fighting many of the robot kept coming.

N-fuck you!!!

I said stomping on ten of them. I turned around and seen Megan I smiled and from my peripheral vision five robots tried to attack me but I thunder clapped that ass sending them flying back and breaking.

As we are on our comms fighting Tony told us that we are probably going to have to blow up the rock we was going to save the earth and the people on the bottom.

But as always Steve was against it but my mom just gave up.

Nat-there's worse ways to go...cmon when will we get to see a view like this again and be with each other.

Before I could react to her comment our comms were interrupted by Fury. He brought the Helicarrier to get every civilian to safety so we could blow up the rock.

Steve-Fury u son of a bitch

Nick-woah u kiss your mother with that mouth.

Nyx, Pietro, Stephanie and I came over with my mom and Steve as we all looked in awe.

Pietro-This is S.H.I.E.L.D?

Steve-this is what S.H.I.E.L.D is supposed to be

Pietro-...This is not so bad.


N-yea I thought we were gonna be goners.


I put both my hands up in defense. The ships started to come and Steve gave us the go to load all of the civilians. We had all separate getting people to safety.


My mom and I came into this broken down church and everyone else was already here.

Nat-not all of us can fly. Now where is the drill?

M-right here.

Megan says pointing to it and we both  went up to it.

Tony-if ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose, does everyone understand?

My dad and Bruno come in hitting some of the robots coming over towards us.

Ultron appears and we all face him.


He yelled and ultron raised his hand and hundreds maybe thousands of them surrounded us and we was all in shock.

He just had to open his mouth. I shook my head getting ready to fight.

Steve-u had to ask?

I shook my head

Ultron-this is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can u possibly hope to stop me? 

We all looked at each other. I looked at my mom and I nodded I slowly went into my green she-hulk form ready to fight.

Tony-like the old man said...together.

All the ultrons ran towards us and we did the same. We held our own making sure not one bot touches the core.

We all fought together and as a team. We didn't let on bot slip by and touch it.

Soon Ultron became impatient as we were making sure not to let one of his bots touch the core and he attacked vision.

He quickly gained control beaming his light at him blasting him back.

Soon I seen Megan Rui Thor and Tony together beaming their blasters and aiming it towards ultron.

It almost killed him but it did tear some off his armor.

Ultron groaned standing up.

Ultron-u know..with the benefit of the hindsight-

Bruno stomped smashing him and I smiled running towards him punching him very far away.

My dad came up and looked at the other robots, he looked at the other and then at us. Bruno and I nodded we all ran in superhuman speed.

We are now...well they are trying to calm down and my mom pulled up talking to my dad. I was slowly going into my human form but as soon as I did ultron came in and started shooting at us causing my mom to fly back and my hulk form stayed.



My dad grabbed her and we placed her on the Helicarrier. I smiled at her and all three of us jumped on the ship Ultron was on.

Ultron-u got to be kidding me-

I grabbed him tossing him hard off the ship.


Megan and the others were trying to convince us to come back. I hung up not trying to hear it.

What's even the point? I almost died by the hands of Ultron.

I need to stop while I am ahead i dont want to harm my baby.

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