Getting "Back on the Horse"

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Today is my first day back to work. It's been a lot recently. But I finally got into a new schedule.

The cast flew out for the funeral but they went back to shoot the day after. I took another 2 days before returning.

Janice and Corban just brought me to the airport so that I can fly out.

"Honey, we are both just a phone call away." Janice smiles hugging me.

"Be good kid, we'll miss you" Corban says.

"Thank you for everything. Tell Aston I'll miss him" I said waving as I got onto the plane.

"We will"

- - - - - - - - - -


Rose, Cosmo and I are waiting at the airport for October to arrive. I am in disguise with a cap, sunglasses and a baggy jacket. Rose just got back from her father's in France, and I thought it was the best to have some family time especially for O. Colin is waiting at the apartment, working online.

We are sitting down, Cosmo on my lap and Rose with sunglasses completing a puzzle book. Around 10 to 12 minutes pass and then I see the gate open. I stand up, Cosmo balancing on my hip and Rose by my side.

"O! Over here!" I call out.

She looks up, taking her ear buds out, and flipping her sunglasses onto her head. She smiles slightly, her dimples creasing. She waves, shifting her usual duffle bag onto her other shoulder before heading to meet us.

"O, this is Rose, and Cosmo. Guys," I smile, "This is October, mommy's friend remember"

"Hi, I'm Rose" She grins,

"M Cosmo"

"Well hello guys" She beams, "I can't believe you're here"

"Mommy said you might need some cheering up, and I got back from my dad's. Do you want to hear about it?"

"Of course," O replies, glancing at me.

"Hey guys" I speak up, "Why don't we take this to the car"

We start walking back to the car as Rose talks O's ears off.

"School is amazing. I have so many friends. Do you go to school?"

"I go online for school"

Rose gives a surprised face, "Ryan, my best friend's brother is always out for hockey, so he does online school."

"It's easier for me, since my job gives me unusual hours"

"My best friend's name is Kendra. Who's your best friend?"

"Well, I don't have a lot of friends, but I do have a good friend named Maxine. I call her Max. She is very bubbly, like you and she chats a lot. She also does rowing,"


"Rowing, is um, in a boat, and you use oars, which are similar to paddles but different"

"Oh, that sounds fun"

"F-un" Cosmo giggles.

"Okay guys, take my hand." I say as we approach a cross walk to the parking garage.

"Mommy can I take October's hand?"

"Yes, but also take mine"

So together we crossed over to the car.

"Mommy, can October sit with us in the back?"

I respond saying, "Well why don't you ask October what she wants to do"

"October, october, where do you want to sit?"

"Well, I might sit in the front with your mom, only because it might be crammed with my bag in the way. We can still talk though" She reassures.

"Well, do you want to hang out at home?"

"Sure, I'd love to,"

- - - - - - - - - -


I am keeping down the fort while Scarlett is gone with the kids to pick up October. I have just finished up on my work when I hear the door open.

"I love princesses, but mom is a superhero. And she died in the last movie, but she came back!" I hear Rose babble.

I get up from my spot in the chair and I walk downstairs to greet them.

"Hey guys, welcome back"

"Colin!" Rose exclaims, jumping into my arms.

"What's up princess?"

"Colin this is October, remember Mommy's friend"

"I do" I play, "Hello, I'm Colin, Scarlett's husband"

"Hello" she grins shyly.

I reach out my hand and she hesitantly reaches out to shake my hand. After I kiss Cosmo on the head, tickling him, making him giggle and then kissing my beautiful wife.

"Now I have pasta on the stove so who's hungry?"

- - - - - - - - - -

"And Action"

"Hi, it's okay, I won't hurt you" Natasha says, reaching down to the battered teen.

The girl breaks Natasha's heart because she was once like that. The girl has multiple wounds, but a lot was also the dirt down here. She looks really pale and thin which worries Natasha.

The girl scouches back afraid of what Natasha might do to her.

"Hey, I promise that you are safe, but I need to get you out of here" she states.

The girl looks up still fearful but Natasha pushes that to the side.

"Can I pick you up?"

The girls doesn't answer but when hearing other comotion down the hall she quickly agrees with a nod of her head.

Picking her up for Natasha was a piece of cake and she didn't know if that was a bad thing. She does workout and she does have a lot of muscle. But from the looks and feels, the girl she is now holding should be at least 40 pounds more. Natasha is guessing she is around 80 pounds.

"I'm going to take you back to the team okay"

Natasha rushes through the hallways to her team that is waiting my the exit.

"What took you so long?" Tony asks.

"Why do you have a kid in your arms?" Clint adds.

"I found her and she needs some help"

"Okay come on I think the guys are coming back"
- - - - -
"Annnnndddd Cut"


" Guys, that was great. We'll take a 30 minute break." The Russos smile.

"October" Rose smiles running to greet me.

"Rosie what are you doing here?"

Colin walks up and grins, "She wanted to see you after school so Scarlett said that she could come to set."

"Well let's go then."

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