Funeral Arrangements

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It has been around a week since my brother's death. I-It hasn't gotton easier. I am doing my homework right now since I am very behind while Aston and his parents plan the funeral. I offered to help but they assured me that I should focus on something else. Janice even called Watson my agent and told him to let the Russo brothers know I need at least another week. The Russo brothers are amazing though and told me to take all the time I needed.

*knock knock*

"Come in"

I am staying at Aston's house with his parents. Technically I'm not sure if I should be with CPS because I'm pretty sure that's what happens. Somehow the media has been unusally quiet. I'm super surprised it hasn't been breaking out as world news. But inside I'm grateful. I don't want them prying.

"Hey, I brought you some lunch. Since you're working hard on work" Corban shrugs like it's no big deal.

"Thank you" I say, giving a slight smile, at least the best I can.

"No problem kiddo" He smiles, "Janice wanted me to talk to you about the living situation. I know the movie filming is still going on, so we would like to offer to become your guardian, at least for the meanwhile. Scarlett would still be your guardian during filming"

"Oh, uh, yeah, thank you"

"No problem. Enjoy your lunch, we'll be downstairs if you need anything."

And with that, he leaves, closing the door behind him.


Hey hun, I just wanted to check in. I hope you're okay

I'm better. How's filming

Fast, we're done the trailer and a few scenes.

Wow, that's fast. Uh, how's Rose and Cosmo. Oh and Colin?


Wow, that's fast. Uh, how's Rose and Cosmo. Oh and Colin?

O is so sweet it breaks my heart. The Russo brothers came in a few days ago and told us that um, her brother just passed, yet here she is asking about my family. Anthony said that when the funeral details are shared, that they would share it with us. Lizzie, Flo, Chris and I were planning on going. I'm not sure if the others are too.

They are good. Colin is just finishing work and Cosmo is next to me. He colored a little today in pre-school. Rose is with her father in France, but she should be back soon. I should get you guys together to meet. Rose would adore you. My whole family would.

Well, I should be back soon after.

"Hey Scarlett"

I look up and see Lizzie walking in with Dana. We are shooting a new scene today.

"Hey Lizzie. Dana"

"Scrarly" Dana babbles.

"Yes, hunny that's me" I coo. She is just the cutest baby every. She has Robbie's dark hair but Lizzie's features, which creates an amazing blend of both of them.

"Did you hear anymore news about the funeral?"

"No, I haven't, but I texted O and it seems like she doing better"

"That's good. Poor girl"

"I just feel so bad, and she seemed stressed when she left. I can't believe I didn't notice"

"You can't blame yourself Scar," Lizzie said sadly,

"I know" I admit.

- - - - - -


Today is the day of the funeral. I know, it's been a while and a lot has happened. For starters, Janice and Corban are officially my guardians, I am caught up with my homework, and today I am getting the last of my things from our- my house.

"October, are you ready hun?"

"Yeah" I said, running down and slipping on my sneaks.

"Okay, we are going to pick up your things, and then head to the funeral house"

I nod along as we get in the car and drive to our house. Our house was always pretty normal. Sure it might have been slightly bigger than other houses, but my mom and dad didn't like throwing their money around any where. It was only the four of us so we didn't need the extra space. Walking into my room was like a hit of nostalgia. The green paint, with butterflies that I begged my mother to help me put up. Everything is the same. My bedspread is the same too, a green and blue plaid quilt. Good times.

I pack up my quilt and my stuffed Elephant (Elsbee). I've had her since I was 3.

I really don't want to go. Scarlett said she, Lizzie, Flo and Chris are all coming. I don't want to see them. I mean I do, it's just this whole thing is too much. I don't want them to be there. Is that wrong? Is this normal?

- - - - - -


Flo, Lizzie and I drove together. We figure it's easier since we're all going to the same place.

The funeral home is average and when we walk in there are multiply displays of flowers. Pictures are plastered all over with pictures of the family.

I don't see the parents around, the ones in the picture I saw in her trailer. That's odd.

I shake it off and we meet up with Chris, the Russos and RDJ.

"There she is" Chris says pointing to the teen.

Her hair is down and blocking a part of her face as she stands next to a coffin. She glances up and I can tell she's been crying. Her eyes seem more red than usual but overall she looks as okay as she can be. She looks down, staring at the floor probably supressing tears. She is wearing a plain black dress and next to her are a man and woman with a young man.

We start to approach and the woman next to her nudges her to look up. She slowly looks up and locks eyes with me. I just want to run and hold her like a little girl and tell her everything is going to be okay.

As if she can read my mind she runs up and I catch her in my arms. I can feel her shaking against my chest as I hold her. I gently run my fingers in her hair like I do for Rose.

"Shhh it's okay. It will all be okay"

There is not that many people here. I'm surprised about that. No older people or, it's just them and a few other people. That's such a shame.

"Honey, where are your parents?"

She sniffles and says, "U-h t-t-ttheir f-flight got d-delayed."

Now that's really weird. I know there are parents that couldn't care less about their child, but all parents I know would move heaven and earth to be with their children, especially sadly a child's funeral. Now were the parents not here at all, like most would stay with their children if anything happened. Now I don't know the exact circumstances but I just find that surprising.

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