Family Emergancy

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Walking in it is really nice.

There is a microwave and a single plug in stove burner. A small table and tiny cabinets. As well as a mini fridge.

The bathroom has a little toilet with a sink and a mini wash area.

There was a mini couch with some throw blankets and an area to store clothes or other essentials down below.

"Wow, this is nice," She says.

She finally gets to put her bag down before fully looking around.

I sit down on the mini couch as she sees a note on the table. She picks it up and reads,

"Dear October,
We are so glad you are able to join us. Welcome to the MCU family! We filled the mini fridge with some water, drinks, and filled the little cabinets with some food. Your schedule is printed out and was also sent to you. If you need anything don't be afraid to reach out. We are looking forward to working with you!"

And true to their word a schedule was under their welcome letter.

"We are shooting the trailer tomorrow. I'm only needed for 3 scenes, and most of them is with you"

"Great! Um...I'll let you get settled and then do you want to hang out with Lizzie, Flo and I?"

"Yeah, I'll be there"

"Great, do you remember where Lizzie's trailer is?"

She nods.

"Whenever you're ready we'll be there"


I unpack my bag and shove the clothes I have in the under compartment. I take the framed photo of my family and put it on the table by the couch. I check the bathroom and see that there is floss, tubes of toothpaste, tooth brushes and a thing of mouthwash.

Once I get settled I sit down for a little while checking my phone for updates. I haven't heard from Griffin in a while, which isn't unusual for him but I worry about him.

*ring *ring

"Come on Griffin, pick up" I mutter.

*ring *ring *ring

"Sorry you have reached the voicemail of Griffin. I could not answer the phone right now. Please leave your name and num-" but I already hung up.

Griffin would get more mad if I keep calling him so I'll just text.

October: Hey call me when you can

And I left it at that.


So after I texted Griffin I went to Lizzie's trailer and found them all snuggled together. I quickly joined and we watched the Harry Potter movies.

Right now it's the next day and we're filming the trailer. I already got my hair, makeup and outfit done. My hair is a messy low pony with some ripped clothes. They added some wounds and "dirt" too.

"Okay so October, you are in the facility and you're in a cell. Now all you have to do is sit cross legged, your back and head on the wall. When I say action, look forward and count to three before looking up, keeping your head on the wall."

I quickly nod and get onto the set. It is concrete flooring with a cot and some bars in the front. It's all gray and brown. With the lighting it seems even more scary.

"Action!" they call out.

I look straight and then I look up.

"Nice. Cut!!"

"October that was great, let's do it again though"


I do the same thing, tweaking a few minor details.

"Great, I think we're good,"

So then I run back to hair and makeup to get ready for the next scene.


Natasha: Yelena she needs me

Yelena: Natasha you just were just saved from sacrifcing yourself off a cliff and now you want to train a teenage girl?

Natasha: She has a name

Yelena: I- I just think you're moving fast

Natasha: Lena we need all hands on deck and Fury and I think she is a great asset. I think she needs me the same as I need her.

*and then the camera pans over to see me 011 watching secretly*



After filming the trailer O goes to take a shower in her trailer as do I before making my way back to her trailer and knocking.

The door opens and she smiles, "Hey Scarlett"

She lets me in and we both sit down for a moment. I notice a picture frame on the table and pick it up to look at it. I see O and her brother Griffen and what looks to be her parents. The parents look familiar actually, as well as the brother but I keep it to myself.

"This is a beautiful picture, I'm guessing that Griffin and these are your parents"

"Uh yeah- that's them. That picture was a few years ago, when I was 11."

"What are their names?"

"My mom's name is Roma and my dad's wa- is Howard"

"You look just like them"


"Oh hey, uh we were wondering-"

But then her phone rings, "Sorry, uh-" but then her face changes.

"Are you okay?"

"Umm I need to get this, sorry, I'll be right back"

She walks to the bathroom and closes the door. The trailer is small and I can sense something is wrong when I hear her voice become louder.

"What do you mean he's gone? I've only been gone for a week!"


"Did you check the-"

"What about-"


"Alright alright let me - figure stuff out okay?"


"Yeah okay, thank you, bye"

She walks out and I get more concerned. Her eyes are red and a little puffy.

"Honey, are you okay?"


I give her a look and she smiles and chuckles, "It was just a disagreement"

I didn't press into it, so I just went with it, "Well we were going to get some dinner soon, so I figured you'd like to come."

"I would love to um my parents, texted and wanted me to fly back for a little while to see them."

"Oh-uh okay. Did you talk to the Russos?"

The Russo brothers would have told me about this, so I figured it was unexpected.

"Uh, no not yet"

"Well I'll take you to them, so you can get home"

"Thank you"



"Joe, my brother, he's missing. I need a week at most to go see if I can find him."

"We can shoot the scenes you're not in later, I'll tell Scarlett and keep me posted okay"

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