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And so I think I have said it all, shared it all, told the world everything I wanted to.

In the beginning I never thought anybody would ever even come across this book but still they did. You all found my book! Among the hundred thousand other books you found this book and I am so grateful.

I wish I could have made it better and had more chapters which made you all a a part of this book but sadly I failed.

Thank you for listening to my thoughts and even in future if you want to share your thoughts this book is always here okay??

This is a safe place. Like I said 'It's our Youniverse'

So Take care hm?

Life may feel hard sometimes but don't ever give up cause if there is one thing I have learned, it is that

Everything will be okay at the end and if it's not okay then it's not the end. ♡♡♡


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