Chapter 11

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"Well, Dean told me that you're having a hard time not ...yeah...getting to have sex with me." I said and his face turned shocked and sad.

"That's a total lie, I'm doing fine! Do you think of me as a guy that only wants a girl for sex?! Do I look like a sick pervert?!" he yelled, he was clearly really mad at me.

"I...I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I...I...I don't see you as a pervert, I you." I stuttered and I just really needed his arms around me, but I knew that wouldn't work.

"I should've known that I'm a sick pervert then, if that is how everyone sees me?!" he yelled and I just started shaking on my knees and letting all my tears out.

"Aidan, no... You don't understand, that's not..." I said but I got cut off by him.

"I never should've even hugged you, you think it's your duty to have sex with me?!" he yelled and that crossed the line.

"Well, I'm not the one who decided to have sex with a girl who wasn't allowed to!" I spat back, and I saw Pike hiding behind a corner, not wanting to see or hear us screaming and yelling.

"You let me! You didn't stop me, you started it!" he yelled and he took one step closer to me.

"And I made a huge mistake by doing that!?" he yelled and I was speechless, what did he say.

"Well, then I guess we should break up!?" I spat back at him, and I saw him reach in his pocket.

"Take this, I wanted to give it to you at the premiere. But now I guess it's nothing!" he yelled and threw it on the ground.

"Fine!" I yelled and I didn't even feel sad anymore, I was only angry.

"Fine, I'm leaving!?" he yelled and he just angrily walked to the door and slammed it behind him.

I was breathing heavily, and thinking about what just had happened.

Pike slowly walked over to me, and he had the box Aidan threw on the ground between his teeth.

"Not now Pike, I gotta change." I said and I walked to my bedroom.

I can't call it 'our bedroom' anymore, I fell down on the bed.

What did just happen? Did I just really break up with him, a day before our 6 months anniversary.

I grabbed one of my own sweaters, and a pair of sweatpants.

I put them on, and I walked to the living room again.

I sat down on the couch, and Pike came walking towards me with the box between his teeth.

"Pike, Aidan's gone." I sighed but he put the small box next to me on the couch.

He then pushed it towards me with his nose, but I threw it away.

Pike quickly ran away to get it, and came running back. He put the box next to me again.

"Pike, leave me alone." I sighed and I turned away from him.

I heard him walk towards the front door, and scratch it while he was crying.

Why did I tell Aidan that? I loved him, but now...I see what was really going on.

"We're back! Pike? What's going on?" I heard Dean say follow by the sound of two grown man running.

"Skyla?! Where's Aidan?!" Dean exclaimed when he saw me.

"He left, we had a fight. We broke up, I...I...I just don't know anymore." I sighed and Dean hugged me.

"It's okay, I'll call Aidan. But what could you possibly fight about?" he asked and I quickly looked at the small box before starting to talk.

"I told him that we had talked about him, and I said that I felt bad for him. Then he thought we were all thinking of him as a guy who can't live without sex. He said he wanted to give this to me at the premiere, but that it didn't matter anymore." I said and I showed him the small white box.

"Well, what's in it?" he asked but I raised my shoulders.

He then slowly opened it, and put one hand over his mouth.

"Oh my god." he could only say and Adam came looking too.

"No, he didn't." Adam said and now I was just getting way too curious.

"What?" I asked and Dean turned the box to me.

In the box were two rings, and above it was a small message.

Take the ring on the bottom to be my girlfriend, or take the other ring and become my fiancé.

"Oh. my. god." was the only thing I could possibly say.

"He was planning to propose to you, for real. No joke, that's...awkward." Adam said and I was immediately getting hugged by Dean.

"I'm gonna call him, maybe it was just a misunderstanding." Dean said as he grabbed the phone from his pocket.

"Hey, man. What the hell, Skyla's here crying her eyes out?! What did you do?!" Dean exclaimed and I heard a girl voice in the background, did he already find a new girlfriend.

"Ashley, I'm on the phone!" Aidan yelled clearly annoyed, oh yeah, Ashley was the name of his adopted sister.

"And it was the right thing to do, sometimes things aren't always meant to be." I then heard Aidan say and I sobbed onto Dean's shoulder.

"Aidan, it's my fault. I made Skyla think that you missed having sex with her alot, so it's all my fault. Can you please come back, Skyla didn't do anything wrong." Dean explained and Adam took me over so Dean could move away.

"Look, we broke up because we didn't love eachother anymore." Aidan exclaimed and I cried even harder.

"I know you're lying, I know you love Skyla. You can never shut up about her, not that it's annoying. And when I'm around Skyla, she won't shut up about you." Dean said and I turned to him.

Did Aidan really always talk about me, I can't really imagine him doing that anymore.

"Aidan, where are you now?" Dean sighed and I walked over to him.

"At a hotel, my parents and sister are also here, but I'm not planning to go back tonight. They say that there'll be a heavy storm." Aidan replied but I couldn't spent the night without him.

"What's your adress?" I asked and I swiftly took Dean's phone.

"Skyla, I don't want you to come here through the storm." Aidan said but I really wanted to talk things out with him.

"I don't care, I wanna talk it out now." I said firmly and I could hear some voices in the background.

"I'll give you my adress, but only if you promise to visit tomorrow morning not tonight." he said and I hummed.

"I'm in the Hilton hotel, room number 139. I'm sharing it with my sister, just so you know." he said and I hummed as I wrote '139' on my hand.

"There will be really bad thunder in like ten minutes, so please don't come now. Dean will you take care of her?" Aidan said and I saw Dean smiling again.

"Of course, Aidan. Bye, goodnight." Dean said and he turned his phone off.

"Maybe it's a good idea that you go to bed, I know it's only seven pm, but you need it!" Dean said as he scooped me up and carried me upstairs.

"Fine." I sighed.

I will get out of here tonight, I must talk to Aidan, as soon as possible.

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