Chapter 69

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Time: For a crazy Saturday morning
Place: The Avengers compound

"Are you sure this will work?" Nate asked as he looked at Aj, his face growing with concern.

"Nope" Aj smiled.

"What if you get hurt?" Nate questioned.

"Since when did you become such a fun sponge?" Aj teased.

"I will not fall for your manipulation, I'm fun and I know it. I just don't want you to get hurt" Nate frowned, he wasn't trying to not be fun, he just didn't think riding a skateboard down 2 flights of stairs was the smartest thing in the world.

"I'll be fine Nate, I've got my armor to keep me safe" Aj said confidently, putting one of Tony's old Iron man helmets on her head.

"If you say so" Nate mumbled under his breathe.

Natasha and Clint were in the kitchen enjoying their morning coffee engaging in a light conversation as they did so. When they suddenly heard a loud crash from the room next door. They sighed as they set their mugs on the table and exchanged a brief glance both aware that their youngest children were probably up to no good.

Aj groaned as she impacted with the floor, coming to the realization that riding a skateboard downstairs hadn't been her smartest idea, she hated to admit it but Nate was right.

"What the hell are you two up to?" Clint asked as him and Natasha walked into the room.

"Just chilling" Aj winced through gritted teeth as she fought through the pain to attempt to sit up.

Natasha put two and two together, With Aj sprawled at the bottom of the stairs wearing an iron man helmet and a skateboard beside her. Though Nat may have not seen what had happened it was quite clear to her what had taken place, causing her to let out a pained sigh and a shake of her head.
"You rode the skateboard down the stairs didn't you?"

Aj gave her mom a thumbs up using her free hand to grab the banister of the stairs and pull herself up.

Natasha looked at Aj In disbelief,
"Well that was stupid"

"I know that now" Aj mumbled hobbling over to the couch. She let out another pained groan as she sat down. "This thing is trash, it did not protect my head if anything it knocked my brains out" Aj huffed as she pulled off the iron man helmet and tossed it beside her.

"It can't knock your brains out if there's no brain to begin with" Clint teased, Aj rolled her eyes, she walked herself right into that one.

"Mhmm I tried to tell her" Nate agreed.

"I think my heads broken" Aj huffed as she closed her eyes.

"I have no sympathy. You shouldn't have rode a skateboard down the stairs" Natasha spoke sternly, far from pleased by her daughter's poor decision.

"I don't need your fucking sympathy!
I need ice!" Aj snapped in annoyance, she knew skating downstairs wasn't smart but she didn't expect to be in this much pain.

"Yeah I'm on it" Clint replied already heading to the kitchen.

Before Clint could return with the ice, the pain in AJ's head grew more intense, she was beginning to grow dizzy and disoriented. "Mom I don't feel good"

"Well I'm not surprised" Natasha remarked still clearly fuming at AJ's recklessness.

"I need some air" Aj spoke with only shallow breathes, managing to push herself up off the couch, as she moved she felt a nauseating pain run through her head. She recognized the sensation at once, her head wasn't hurting because she had bumped it, she was in pain because of her precognition powers. Aj panicked, last time she had gotten a vision it had turned out to be true and left the girl traumatized, she couldn't go through that again. " stop it!"
the girl mumbled to herself, hitting the side of her head with her palm in attempt to stay grounded and present.

"Detka don't do that you'll make your head worse" Natasha spoke calmly as she walked over to her daughter.

Natasha nor the others knew about AJ's new power, Aj had only told Tommy and Wanda. The girl thought that if she buried the power deep inside her consciousness it would just go away. Of course that definitely wasn't the case.

"No you don't understand! I don't want to see it" Aj spoke frantically. She could feel the vision starting to manifest itself in her mind, she couldn't control it.

Witnessing her daughter's distress caused Natasha to immediately panic. She didn't understand what Aj was saying, Nat was oblivious as to what was really going on, she just believed Aj hit her head too hard and was staring to grow disoriented.
" calm down. Clint's gonna get you some ice it should take the pain away" Natasha's voice was gentle as she approached her daughter's side.

"Last time it was dad...what if it is again.
I can't see it" Aj started to cry as she fell to the floor, immediately curling into a ball and resting her head on her knees.

"Clint hurry up!" Natasha yelled for him,
She wasn't sure what was going on with Aj but she was aware that it was more serious than she had thought. "Hey Avs look at me"

Ajs head suddenly jerked up, meeting Natasha's gaze, though Aj didn't have time to explain what was happening as she was completely engulfed by a vision, her powers taking over her faculties.

Natasha gasped as Ajs eyes started glowing a dark, unsettling shade of blue. They weren't the usual blue orbs she saw when she looked into her daughter's eyes.

The vision had AJ trapped in its grips for a few minutes, Natasha and Clint had tried to snap the girl back into reality but failed.

AJ gasped as the vision ended, leaving her mind her own again and bringing her back to her senses. The luminous glow leaving her eyes almost immediately.

"You okay kid?" Clint asked as he took in his nieces visibly shaken state.

AJ nodded.

Natasha was about to ask her daughter what had just happened but Aj jumped to her feet and started walking away before Nat even got a chance to.

"Aj where are you going?" Natasha questioned confused.

"I need to find Wanda" Aj replied not even bothering to look back, she had to find Wanda and tell her about what she had just seen.


A/N: Never a calm day at the compound😅
Thank you for reading🫡

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